Chapter 24: The ice cold fear of the Forest of Death

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Testing Room

The entire assortment of Genin were staring wide eyed at the nutty, hyperactive, sort of deranged female. While some of the males were staring at her in lust, due to her, strange fashion sense that more or less should be in a red light district, Sakura was glaring at her annoyed.

'Why does the screaming nutcase have bigger boobs than I do? I'm worth a hundred times more than that snake whore, mother said so. Urg, if she had blond hair or blue eyes, I'd wonder if she was Naruto's mother...' Anko meanwhile was grinning internally.

'The little ego duck got bit, check. Dramatic entrance, check. Ticked of Ibiki, check. But why am I getting sudden old vibes...'

"Okay twerps, if anyone just was thinking of me in a fashion that sounds like old, ancient, geezer, mother, or anything of that fashion, please say so" she demanded as she let Sasuke go from her snake's fangs. After all, better to draw out the torture.

To her grin, the duck emo's teammate whose hair resembled regurgitated cotton candy paled. She chuckled evily. Ibiki groaned, that chuckle always brought pain and agony.

"So it was you flesh hair, so, which of the above were you thinking of?" Sakura shook her head and refused to say anything. She chuckled.

"Odd, a team is refusing to listen to their proctor? Perhaps elimination is in their future..." Sakura gasped, she'd let her Sasuke down.

"Um, well, I sort of thought you were like, the Baka..."

"Specifics! 5...3..."

"Hey, actually count 4 would ya...Naruto-baka...and sort of wondered if you were...related..." Naruto shivered at the comment. Anko chuckled.

"That's a laugh, I'll let you live...but your team now has to go into the next challenge with a handicap, because of your little quirp! So, Training ground 44, 8:00, be late and I will show you my venomous snakes. Bring long term rations, ninja tools, antivenom, first aid gear, and a rubber duck" she body flickered away, leaving a lot of nervous chuckling.

"Damm you ugly pink girl" Sai muttered to himself

"Is that, psycho really like me?" Naruto asked Fu and Haku as they passed. They shrugged.

"Decides the psychoness...yes" Green Suit child was dragged out of the room by his teamates.

"Mark my words, the Flames of Youth will triumph over the Song of Thunder!"

"Just try me wierdo" the dark skinned female smirked.

"If somehow you are right, which I do not believe it will be, I will devour 100 packets of Guy-Sensei's super ninja cuisine at once!" his female teamate looked at him like he was crazy.

"Lee, they banned those things after the last time you did that...your appartment's bathroom was deemed condemmed!"

The Next Day, training ground 44

The gathered teams stared nervously into a locked off forest, filled with screeches, howls, moans, giant bugs and snakes, and the occasional tune of mariachi music for some reason. Anko grinned as she began to speak.

"Okay twerps, this here is my little stretch of Konoha, Training Ground 44, or as I like to call it, the Forest, of DEATH!" thunder roared from somewhere.

"Um, did anyone else here the thunder?" Shikarmu asked. Anko grinned.

"What thunder" Shikamaru shivered as more rumbled.

"What is she, a troublesome witch?"

"What's that...another team want's a handicap?" Shikimaru started waving his hands frantikly, as did Ino and Choiji.

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