Chapter 53: Talented Ninjas are crystals in the dirt

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The battlefield

Tsunade was panting, her disguise flickering in and out. Sasori appeared distraught.

"She looks older than my grandmother, and that's saying a lot. Urg, lets kill her now" he opened the puppet's jaw, as a stream of deadly senbon flew towards the older Kunoichi, who growled.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK SUCH A PATHETIC ATTACK WOULD WORK! YOUR DUMBER THAN YOU LOOK!" Tsunade smashed her fist into the ground, blocking the projectiles with a risen mass of stone and earth.

"My Man, that's not how you deal with that, monster of a woman" Deidara shook his head.

"MONSTER!" Tsuande yowled, before dislodging a large chunk of earthy rock about the size of an average Rhinoceros, and promptly sent it flying at the two Akatsuki, who dodged it via their relatively exhausted reflexes.

"How you do it, Sasori-sama, is via something girly, for example my Flamingo" Tsunade blinked, before she saw a Clay Flamingo fly straight at her, before blowing up. Tsunade was blasted out of the smoke cloud, slightly charred and now old.

"URG, SHE'S HIDEOUS!" Deidara looked sick "So...Old...Shiver. Hence why I disagree with your art style, my man" Sasori growled.

"Oh shut up, though I do agree she's ugly, now lets finish the job" Sasori's tail entered the air, before...

"WOOD RELEASE; MAPLE BINDING BRANCHES!" from the ground, tree branches rapidly grew up and bound Sasori's tail, as Naruto, Jiraiya, Isarabi, Shizune and Dan arrived on the battlefield. Dan drew a exploding tag improved Kunai, and tossed it at the bound tail, destroying it. Sasori growled as the other Akatsuki came into view, and one of them caused Naruto to blink.

"AH, creepy older Sasuke-teme!" Itachi didn't blink, but Shizune did.

"That's...Uchiha Itachi" Naruto looked at him, confused.

"Why are you staring at me, Naruto-kun?" Itachi asked. Naruto sighed.

"Really, after hearing Sasuke-teme- rant on and on about your evil and how he want's to kill you, I expected you to be a lot, well more evil looking, horns, a black wing...creepy red goggles, the works" Itachi shook his head.

"Not the time, Gaki" Jiraiya grumbled "We need to get out of here, 5 Akatsuki against us, not going to end well" However, they weren't alone...

"Wind Release; Petal Dust dance!" a gust of petal adorned wind struck into Deidara from behind, knocking him to the ground. The others in the Akatsuki turned to see Taisune and Fluffy.

"So, too late to join the party?" Fluffy grinned. Jiraiya paled.

"EVIL WOMAN!" he pointed at Fluffy. Naruto, and for that matter everyone who knew the sage, blinked. Since when did he call anything with boobs evil? Taisune sighed.

"Really Fluffy-chan, you had to go overboard in catching him? Oh, never mind..." Jiraiya eyed the injured, and now grizzly Tsunade.

"Dan-kun, Isaribi-chan, get her out of here. The rest of us, attack!" battle commenced chaotically.

Shizune sent a barrage of poisoned senbon straight at Sasori, whose puppet body blocked the attacks. He didn't even appear to recognize being hit.

"You done yet. I'd hate to keep people waiting on the Jinchuuriki..." the puppet sent a barrage of senbon right back at Shizune, who dodged them with ease. After all, being trained by having explosive tossed at you was a good way to build up reaction time, or destroy ones sanity.

"RASENGAN!" from above, Naruto and a shadow clone descended upon Sasori, a glowing sphere in his hands, smashing into the puppet. Said puppet exploded, as a dark shape burst out of it in the confusion.

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