Chapter 49: Kekkei Genkai One O One

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A Gambling Table

Several, quite distraught looking men of the gamble were crying anime tears, their hard earned, legal or not cash, was being rapidly won off by a certain individual, or should I say individuals.

"Ah, now this is why there were no casino's back home" Taisune smiled, raking in the dough, with Fluffy making about twice as much.

"You know, I can't understand why your not a fan of such a noble game, now pay up suckers!" more anime tears and another new bankrupt moron later.

"Because, this game isn't noble...hell I half expect security to call us cheats any second now. Its not my fault I only have bad luck when it comes to Uchiha's, girls and cats" he shook his head, "Decides, I believe that the smell of a hot gambling winning streak, combined with the air de gamble, will lure one unknowing grandma in 3, 2, 1..." one well endowed blond appeared at his gambling table in a burst of dust, followed by her thin, not well endowed black haired assistant/woman servant, who was lugging a small pig in a tacky red dress with a pearl necklace in her arms.

"So, a hot shot eh? Well, I hope you haven't gotten too acquainted with that money of yours" she smirked. Her lackey appeared distraught.

"Tsunade-sama, please can we go one night without gambling" Taisune shook his head, amused.

"So, your the infamous gambler I've heard of...what was it they call you, the Legendary Loser..." Tsunade's eyebrow twitched, before she promptly slammed her fist into the table, crushing it.

"Temper Temper...I do believe we have a gamble to play..., but of course, I'd hate to add more to your already immense dept" Tsunade scowled at him, while her assistant was already seeing the murder case play out.

"Then what game are you playing at, Pervert..." Taisune chuckled.

"Trust me, that's not what I'm getting at" Fluffy sighed dramatically.

"Can't you get over your wife already, she's been dead 12 years, don't bother lady. Doesn't matter if your an H like me and his deceased wife, still no lays..." Taisune shook his head sadly.

"Your making it sound like I married her only for that, the warm pillows are just a bonus ..." he hit his head into what remained of the table with an anime dark cloud, to the curiosity of the two kunoichi, and the annoyance of Fluffy

"Not again, you really need to get over that you know"

"Curse you Sensei, I still can't be free of your disease! And, no I don't plan to be converted to the pervy side!" Tsunade rose her eyebrows with interest.

"So, a fellow shinobi, and trained by a pervert as well I see" Back in Konoha, the Sandiame sneezed "What is your game, if I win you drag me back to your village...Kumo is it" Taisune, recovered from his antic, shook his head.

"Damm, Kiri" another head shake "Iwa" another shade "Ame" "Suna" "Taki" "Hoshi"

"Very, very cold, no wonder you loose so much" that finally did it for the dangerous, and quite busty sannin, as Taisune and Fluffy had to rapidly grab their winnings and flee from the woman who defined the saying 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'

"WHAT IS WITH YOU AND TICKING OFF GRANDMA'S!" Fluffy yelled at him, only making things worse.



Konoha; battle site

"FIRE RELEASE; GREAT FIREBALL TECHNIQUE!" the two fire attacks collided with a vengeance, as father in son collided in battle, as Mikoto dodged a harsh slam from Samaheda. As she avoided the blade, she was already going through hand signs. This was a full battle of the Uchiha, three sets of fully matured Sharingan were activate at the same point in time for the first time in years.

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