Chapter 14: One fish, two fish, red fish, green fish

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Wave Bridge

On the coast of the Wave Country, at the crack of dawn, sat the great Naruto bridge. This magnificent bridge, however was in trouble. A section of the support had fallen off, due to a mistake in construction. This had to be replaced, but the recovering country was having trouble locating cement or stone to fill the whole.

So, the hole in the support, the size of a young teenager, was being held up by a peculiar kid, with perhaps the strangest appearence of any Konoha Genin.

This boy had black hair, shaped like a bowl, and immense eyebrows the size of jumbo pipe cleaners, and huge, wide eyes. To further show off his bizarreness, he had a green jumpsuit, with his Hiate as a belt, and orange legwarmers.

"Lee, what exactly are you doing?" one of his teammates decided to ask. This genin had brown hair, and pale eyes like Hinata's, but a different shade. He also didn't appear quite as nice, but more like the character of his clan portrayed; a clan of silent people with little emotions and disturbing stares.

"Ah yes Neji, because the support system of this bridge was giving out, I decided it would be a good test of my endurance to hold it up myself. I've been at it for 12 hours straight, and even though I have to use the restroom quite badly,, and the fact that I may be halucinating from thirst and saw a Ninja Lemur fighting a Samurai Buffalo, I will not move from my post until Guy-Sensei and Tenten return with the supplies!" Now, this kind of behavior was sort of, over the top, even for his teamate, and his equally wierd sensei.

"Lee, this bridge weighs over 1200 tons, and holding your bladder for too long can cause damage to your kidneys. Also you really should have some water..." this Lee briefly removed his arm and gave a thumbs up smile.

"Don't worry Neji, I shall hold this until Guy-Sensei returns, and should I fail in this task, I shall run across the bay to Wave and back again while Yodelling!" Neji sweatdropped, Lee had adoped all of his sensei's styles, and that include those strange self inflicted punishments. And the yodelling, oddly for the stoic genin he found himself shivering.

This is one of the many reasons he needed a therapist; decides the fact he has emotional trauma for his father's death and a desire to kill his cousin Hinata-Sama.

"Though some liquid refreshment may be most abliged, may I have a sip of your own canteen, mine's empty"

Land of the Sea; Seaside village

"Wow, this place, is a..." Fu started before Naruto interupted her.

"Like Wave" the village was a wooden shamble of buildings dotting the sea coast. This place appeared to be quite poor, though not to the point Wave had been when Haku and Naruto had been there. Though there was a lack of hoplessness in the air that Wave had had at the time, and a nicer view of the sea.

"Well, I was going to say dump, but that works too" Fu shrugged.

"Guys, we aren't here to focus on the economics of this place, we're here to search out Orochimaru or anything else strange, so lets agree to meet up here again in an hour, try to dig something up" Haku said, being the reasonable amongst the three.

Boy that was sad.

Secret underground area of Konoha

"So, how has your tenture as a Genin been" Danzo asked of his Root ninja. He didn't call him by name, as the ninja of root had none, just their code names. In an emotionless face and tone, Sai answered.

"So far, as you predicted, Team 7 shows signs of dangerous emotional inbalance. Both Sakura-San and Sasuke-San are controlled by their emotions, and prone to rampages should they get frustrated. It is obvious Kakashi-Senpai doesn't like teaching them, but is being forced by the councils to. However, that is not to say that Sasuke has no talent, unlike Sakura-San. However, this power has led to arrogance" Danzo sighed. All this talent, from both Sasuke and Naruto, and yet emotions rule them. He also saw potential in Fu, that Hyuga trained by the green beast/imbicle Might Guy, and the Aburame child However, he didn't want to bother with some of the others; the female Hyuga, by all indications, was too weak, the genin who imitated Guy was too, wierd and the Inuzuka required a dog to work properly, which would be much to suspicious. That was a large reason as to why there were no Inuzuka in ROOT.

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