𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩

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Third person Pov

It was two weeks until Christmas, which Lucy was actually dreading knowing she would have to spend it with her parents who were insistent on talking down on every decision she made. But luckily their was a Christmas party her friends were hosting, and Tim had volunteered his house for it after some pushing from Angela .

It was around 1:30 pm when Lucy met with the others for lunch that day. She had noticed the drop in temperature which was highly unusual for LA. The chilly wind hit against her skin making her shiver a little as she sat down next to her former training officer, who had a smug grin on his face. "What?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms a bit as she looked at an amused Tim. "Nothing, I'm just noticing how much you probably miss those long sleeves now." He said, with a grin still on his face. "Oh don't start Tim, it's freezing out here." Lucy said, shaking her head. "It's not that cold Luce." He said, in a soften tone.

Lucy simply rolled her eyes, trying to hide the flustered she felt when Tim used the nickname. It was always officer Chen, or Chen when on duty, or heaven forbid he gets in the mood that he decides to call her boot just to annoy her, he only used that nickname a few times. "You don't like the cold Lucy?" Harper asked, after sitting down. Lucy shook her head, "It's just unusual is all." She said in reply. The truth was she use to love the cold, love the Snow, love the winter. She and Jackson would always take rode trips to states where it snowed, but after being buried alive with the cold, damp soil above her, the cold often scared her as it reminded her of it. "I heard it was supposed to snow this week, like 10 inches this week." Arron said.

Lucy went completely silent after hearing that, and simply went to check the weather on her phone. "You've got to be kidding me, we life in California." Lucy exclaimed, with a hint of anxiety in her voice. Her mind began racing, what if the snow trapped them inside, or the power went out? She tried to hide the fact she was panicked. "Well what can I say climate change is a bitch." Angela said, shaking her head a bit before turning to Tim. "You are still down for having the party at your place right?" She asked, realizing it would Snow that day. "Of course, but Smitty is not to be drinking, and everyone will be gone by 1am, and no loud music or fireworks I don't want you scaring Kojo." Tim said, oh right that was Saturday which just happened to be on the day it was going to snow.

Lucy felt insane for the fact that she was panicking over snow, and even considering not going, but she realized it was better to keep occupied then be at home alone panicking, since Tamara was going to a party at her friends house, and staying over that day. "Alright. So everything is all sorted out then. Are you bring Tamara Lucy?" Angela asked, to which Lucy shook her head in response. "No she's going to a friends house. It'll just be me." She said, still that hint of anxiety in her voice. "Is the snow storm going to be bad though? I mean it is coming that night right?" Lucy asked, to which Harper, and Angela gave her a puzzled look. "Yeah, but Tim said we aren't staying passed one, and it'll be fine to drive until then as long as no one gets black out drunk." Harper said, and Lucy just nodded while Tim gave her a confused, but concerned look.

Time skip to Saturday...

After taking her anxiety medication, Lucy managed to calm down enough so she would stop panicking about the snow storm tonight, but still she was anxious. After giving Tamara a 20 minute talk on staying safe, not driving, or drinking at the sleepover before letting her leave and started getting ready herself. The party was at Tim's house so it obviously was  more of a casual thing so Lucy dressed in a simple red plaid skirt, white sweeter top, and black knee high boots, and some casual makeup apart from the bold red lip she did. And after 10 minutes of hyping herself up, she finally managed to leave her apartment, and go out to her car.

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