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A/N: Hii my loves, so this is another recommendation.  In this fic Lucy gets triggered after being touched by Tim during a flashback of an abusive relationship. So obviously I do have to issue a trigger warning for mentions of abuse, grooming, and trauma. And I'm this oneshot Jackson is alive, and Lucy's mom is a decent parent. And I apologize in advance this will be sad.

It'd all started with a domestic abuse case, by this point Lucy had worked a dozen of them. But something about this specific one triggered Lucy a lot more then she would have liked. The girl was only 18 and he was 32, she had no idea what exactly set off her boyfriend, but he went on about her cheating on him, as he called her a "whore" before slamming her head into the wall, and continued to beat her, until they got there. And it brought up the still very clear memory which still lived in her mind freely. She hadn't been able to tell Tim, they'd been dating for only 6 months at this point, and she knew he'd find out eventually but she felt to ashamed to tell him.

Tim had noticed Lucy's strange behavior every sense they took that call. She barely spoke, and looked distant. "You okay Luce?" Tim asked, as she mindlessly stared out the window, it killed him he had absolutely no idea what was going on in her head. "Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine." Lucy lied, she wasn't fine in the slightest. She felt her throat tighten up more and more by the minute, and Tim obviously didn't believe what she was telling him, but he wouldn't bring it up at work, though the worry he had was starting to increase by the second as she continued to stare out at nothing, and Tim began to worry she was having flashbacks, and he wasn't wrong about that, but he was so wrong about what they were about.

It'd been 8 years, since Steven Boyle was arrested, 8 years since she was finally free of the monster, until she saw on the news he was being released from prison. He'd been arrested for assault, and statuary rape after I'd come out that Lucy in fact was not the first girl he'd groomed. Now she thought back on it and wished she saw how wrong it was from the beginning. Steven Boyle had been a friend of her father's, he was another therapist, so when Lucy started having panic attacks at 14 her parents made her start seeing him. She was 16 when he'd started flirting with her, buying her gifts ect, despite the 20 year age gap, when she was 18 they started dating, there were red flags even then, he was possessive, jealous, controlling, but when he'd asked her to move in with her 2 months later, she agreed, and that's when he started beating her, and then went on for two years, until her mother went to the apartment after he'd beat her nearly to death, and he was arrested.

Lucy knew Tim knew who Steven Boyle was, in fact Lucy was sure Isobel worked the case, but Tim didn't know Lucy was one of the victims, and Lucy hadn't gotten up the strangest to tell him yet, the only one's who knew was her parents, Jackson,her uncle, and cousins. She knew Tim would understand knowing how his father treated him, but it was so hard for her to talk about, and she couldn't stand the thought of him seeing her that way, and it terrified her, but with the flashbacks getting worse, she knew he would found out sooner rather then later.

After work, Tim was over at Lucy's apartment hanging out with her and Tamara, but something was still wrong, every couple seconds Lucy would stare off, and seem to panic a bit. Tim gently reached out to stroke her cheek in attempts to comfort her when she flinched. Which threw Tim off a bit, he'd suddenly began to worry he'd done something wrong, and Lucy suddenly realized she'd flinched at his touch, and a look of complete humiliation went across her face. She flinched, she hadn't flinched in so long, and at his touch. She could see the guilt written on his face, and suddenly she felt as if she would burst into tears any moment.

Tim had seen this type of thing before, she often flinched when being touched unexpectedly, but the look on her face made him feel extremely guilty for what he'd just done, but before he had the chance to apologize she did. "I'm sorry. I-" Lucy started, and Tim shook his head. "Don't. It's okay I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. Want me to go?" He asked, unsure on what exactly was the best to do. And that's when the tears came streaming down her face, before Tim had the chance to even stand up. "Please.. I'm sorry." Lucy said, in a raspy voice as Tim noticed her breathing was rapidly speeding up, and her body began trembling. Tim looked at her overwhelmed with worry. "Baby, hey it's okay. I'm right here." Tim said softly, before Lucy tightly wrapped her arms around him, and buried her face in his chest.

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