𝘚𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦

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A/N: Once again this one I've been anticipating doing for a bit, and one also requested. In this on Lucy becomes very sick during a bad period which leaves Lucy extremely sick, however in attempts to hide it, she ends up passing out during the job, leaving Tim to take care of his sick girlfriend. This one is a hurt/comfort one with fluff, and trigger warning for light mentions of blood. And yes people can get fevers while on their period, it ain't anything new. And just an update I have a new story coming out soon called "Clarity's in death." Which is a Chenford au where Lucy and Tim meet in high-school,  and after years of nearly tolerating each other, Lucy who recently experienced a highly traumatic experience ends up tutoring Tim. Which will be out soon. Anywayy enjoy loves>3


Lucy woke up that morning with a familiar pain in her stomach, but somehow one she wasn't that  familiar at the same time. The sharp stabbing pain in her stomach, and the heat that came across her body. Great she was definitely running a fever, that's exactly what she needed, a period from hell, and a fever. Her body ached, and though she wanted to simply blame the period, something else felt wrong. She groaned out as her body throbbed, and a rush of nausea came over her, this was definitely something other then a period. She was wrapped in Tim arms, cuddled up against him having absolutely no interest in moving.

She was exhausted and she didn't feel good at all, cuddling him was the only thing that made her feel a bit better. That was until she felt the blood the undoubtably was now on the sheets. And as soon as she sit up Tim did as well, gently rubbing her shoulders. "What's the matter princess?" He asked softly, as she sat at the end of the bed moments away from simply sobbing, she wasn't even upset per say, she simply felt so bad that her emotions weren't something she was in control of. She felt like she was equally going to cry, throw up, and pass out at the same time when she realized she had in fact bleed threw her clothes onto the sheets, while laying right next to Tim.

This hadn't happened before, how the hell had this happened? She never bled that much, she also rarely had cramps that made her feel like she was going to throw up from how bad they hurt, but here she was. Of course Tim's been around her while she's on her period, he listened to her complain many times while they rode together how annoying it was, but this was different, completely different. And before she got the change to open her mouth to tell him, what had happened he saw the blood on her legs. In which his response was getting out of bed, which made her more embarrassed in which she knew he realized what'd happen.

At first sight the panicked look on his girlfriend's face absolutely terrified him, what happened? He very quickly noticed the fact she looked significant more pale then usual, and her body felt a bit warm. He noticed the blood fairly quickly, and realized what happened. "Alright baby, why don't you go get cleaned up and I'll take care of the sheets." He told her softly, before kneeling down to take her hands when she refused to look at him due to what he thought was embarrassment, but he wasn't completely sure. Something else seemed wrong, but he just figured she didn't feel too well. "I'm sorry." She finally said her voice very quiet, and seemingly pained, which threw him off completely, why had she been so upset. "It's okay baby, there's nothing to apologize over alright? It's going to be okay, it's just blood, nothing to be ashamed of."

He was gentle, so damn gentle but she still felt like she'd break down crying. She wasn't just embarrassed, she was stressed, and exhausted, and she was in so much pain. Her head was pounding, her stomach felt like she was being stabbed, every inch of her body ached, and to make matters worse, she was sure she likely running a fever, but she knew how it'd look if she skipped work because of a period, even if it felt like she was dying. "But it's all over the sheets." She got out chocking on the sob that she couldn't help but let out, great and now she was crying, wonderful. "It's okay baby I promise. It happens,  your fine, I'm fine, the sheets can be washed alright?" He told her softly, before pulling her towards his chest. "Come here." He whispered to her, as he hugged her gently. This made her feel a bit better emotionally speaking, having his body pressed up against her's was forever her favorite feeling. "It's okay baby. It's okay." He whispered to her, until she did stop crying, and Lucy knew despite her pain she wouldn't tell her how bad it was, how sick she felt, she knew she still had to go to work. This would be a long day.

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