𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘴

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A/N: Okayy so not going to lie, I got inspired from a song of tiktok, and made a whole storyline about it so here it is. Also I would like to warn you in advance that this a bit of a spicier one because I've been writing a bunch of depressing shit, so now we get spice. And since rookie has yet to give us a scene of Tim kissing her tattoo, I'll just have to write it. Enjoy loves>3

Third person POV

It was a normal day on patrol for Tim and Lucy, or at least as normal as it could be for two people pretending they weren't madly in love with each, other. And the fact that both were newly single only made the tension between them worse, sexual, romantic tension. Physical and emotional attraction both had towards each other made work very difficult, and not for the reasons some may think. Last week their was a party hosted at Angela's house, that they all attended, and Lucy showed up in a little black dress that showed off all her curves, and Tim was still recovering from the amount of stress it caused him, to see her looking that good, and not being able to stop the wildest thoughts that went through his mind. God how he just wanted her lips to meet his, how he wanted to put his hands on her body. Oh my god, he was losing his mind. Lucy Chen was slowly driving him insane.

Lucy herself couldn't keep Tim out of her thoughts, keeping her head in the game had become nearly impossible since she knew what it felt like to kiss him, it was a taste she still couldn't get off her lips. A taste more addictive then any drug. Just that moment she found herself leaning up against the window of the shop, replaying her and Tim's past kisses in her head, while secretly hoping he would just retch over, and put his free hand on her thigh, though that probably wasn't the safest, but a part of her didn't care much. Tim cleared his throat, which drew her attention back to her partner. "So are you okay? You've been a bit quiet lately." Tim said, and Lucy's cheeks lit up bright pink from embarrassment about the thought in her head. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just tired is all. You?" Lucy asked, hoping he'd by her lame excuse on why she couldn't look him directly in the eye.

Tim didn't by it for a minute, but then again whatever was going through that head of her's brought heat to her cheeks, making them flush that rosy pink color, and Tim tried his best not to think that it had anything to do with him. "Are you having trouble sleeping lately?" He asked, in response to her saying she was tired. Lucy bit down her on lip, and looked down at her feet. "Yeah something like that." She said, in tone that despite her efforts Tim could hear the fluster in her voice, which brought a small smirk to his lips. "Mhm." He said, trying he best not to worry about what was keeping her up, because based off her body language, and behavior it surely wasn't nightmares. Lucy finally forced her eyes to look over at Tim, and saw the smug smirk on his face, which only irritated her further! He was doing this on purpose, he was trying to tease her. "What?" Lucy asked, while crossing her arms, and looking at him.

The rosy pink color on her cheeks, faded a bit but he could still see the fluster she was trying so hard to hide, and despite not knowing exactly what was going through her head in that moment, Tim found that he was enjoying seeing her flustered a bit too much. And despite his efforts he couldn't keep that grin off his face. "Nothing." He said, trying his best not to smile. Something about her nervous behavior, her rosy cheeks had him feeling a way. She was always beautiful, but it was moments like this when he noticed. "Seriously Tim?" Lucy said, in a exasperated tone. And Tim knew he should have dropped it, but before he got the chance, the words came spilling out. "No need to be embarrassed Luce, it's adorable." Tim said, before glancing over at her one last time, before looking away. Why the hell dis you say that, Tim? He thought to himself, and now he was the one embarrassed. He was completely losing his mind, maybe he should have left Aaron in the gopher position, because focusing on anything else apart from Lucy was nearly impossible. Lucy giggled a bit, before looking over at him. "Are you okay?" Lucy asked, slightly shocked to hear him say that, it was so unlike Tim. "Yeah. Everything's good." Tim said, and Lucy nodded completely unconvinced.

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