𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦

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A/N: Hii loves! So this story right here was requested. Basically this story is a soulmate au, but warning it does contain angst. I may be doing a series in the future or another fic regarding this trope in the future if you enjoy. Just a disclaimer I'm a huge Acotar fan so yes this may seem a bit like that, after all I did take some inspiration from that, but anyway let's get into the actual story enjoy >3

Third person perspective

Tim didn't believe in the soulmate thing very much, maybe it was because he'd yet to find someone with his mark. His wife wasn't his soulmate, Rachel wasn't his soulmate, and Ashley isn't his soulmate, but he told himself he never cared about that thing. He wouldn't break up with Ashley just because they weren't soulmates just so he could go look for someone he may not even like just because their soulmates. Everyone in their friend group had a soulmate, Angela's was Weasley's, Nyla was James's, Nolan's was Bailey, and Lucy as far as he knew hadn't found her's either, but she didn't particularly like to talk about it from what he'd noticed.

Lucy had mixed feelings about the soulmate thing, when she was younger and first got her mark she was so excited to see who her soulmate was, but she'd yet to find someone with the mark. And slowly she was beginning to feel like she would never have what her friends had with their soulmates. Or maybe some people just weren't meant to find there's. She knew it was fully possible to love someone she wasn't soulmates with, because she did in fact love someone she knew not only had no chance of loving her back, but likely wasn't her soulmate either.

Lucy had came into the station that morning completely exhausted, with a major headache after all the overtime she was working recently, and it didn't help much that she in fact was riding with Tim today which was in fact a problem for Lucy given her feelings towards him, and the lack of his feelings towards her. She knew it wasn't fair to blame Ashley but she couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy towards her, and annoyance because she and Tim had absolutely nothing in common, and their conversation were about as dry as the Desert, and it annoyed Lucy knowing how well she and Tim got along, their conversations were long in interesting, and they actually had things in common. And Lucy just knew it was wrong to be jealous, but she couldn't help it.

Lucy walked into the station, and attempted not to look for Tim, and simply walked straight to Nyla and Angela who were already chatting. "Hey Lucy." Angela said, with a smile, and Nyla greeted her as well. "Are you still riding with Tim? Or would you like to help us with this case?" Nyla asked, Lucy had been helping out with detective work lately, when she didn't have gopher duty, and she quite frankly enjoyed working with Nyla and Angela. "I would love too, but I have Gopher duty." Lucy said, with a sigh. Angela looked at Lucy, she was able to tell the tension between them. "Are you going to tell us what he did?" Angela asked, while looking around to make sure Tim wasn't around. "He didn't do anything." Lucy said, with a sigh, and Nyla nodded. "And that's the problem." She said.

The day went as usually, Tim and her patrolled, as make some casual conversations until Lucy couldn't help, but ask. "Was Isobel your soulmate?" She asked, while looking over at Tim. Tim sighed a little, but didn't stop the conversation since a part of him for whatever reason was curious to know what her thoughts her in the subject, and if she'd had a soulmate. "No she wasn't. It didn't affect the marriage much. Neither of us were worried about that type of thing." Tim said, but he was lying, he did care a bit about finding his soulmate. "And Ashley?" Lucy asked, but she knew there was no possible way that Ashley could be his soulmate.

Tim was sorta confused on why she was so curious, he'd wondered if it had any thing to do with their kisses they shared during the uncover case, but he quickly shook the thought of knowing he couldn't have feelings for Lucy and be with Ashley. "She's not either. Why?" He asked, curious to what the sudden interest in this. "I just was curious is all." Lucy said, it may have been stupid, but Lucy could help be be relieved that Ashley also wasn't Tim's soulmate. And the likelihood of Tim being her's wasn't the most likely, however maybe that part of her that was in love with Tim held on to the slight hope that maybe they would have chance.

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