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no one's pov

It was the middle of a battle. Ikrans flying everywhere, guns firing, arrows shooting, and still the sky people thought they might have a chance at winning this thing. At this point, the train was the main priority. They blow that up and the battle is over. Jake and Neytiri war cry together. The train had been spotted, two helicopters beside it.

The navi people had planned ahead. The explosives that were planted on the tracks went off, resulting in the train crashing and exploding. They did it. But the sky people were not giving up just yet.

In the meantime, the eldest sons of the great Toruk Makto, were flying over all the action as spotters, arguing over whether or not to completely disobey their fathers orders and help the war party into fighting.

"Bro! We have got to get down there" Loak yelled at his older brother Neteyam. "No way! They will skin us" replied Neteyam.

Loak responded rather playfully, "c'mon, don't be a wuss."

"Loak! Bet back here you, aghhhh!"

The two boys descended on their ikrans down to what was left of the flaming train.

Near the train wreck, warriors were loading up on guns and ammo.

"Bro let's go, c'mon!"

"Loak! Loak!"

When Loak gets to were the guns are being handed out, a warrior hands him one and once Loak gets it he does a war cry just like his father.

Once Neteyam catches up to him he says "you don't even know how to use it."

"Dad taught me" Loak says while cocking the gun.

From afar, Jake sees his two sons and begins to walk over to them, but another helicopter catches his attention first. The helicopter starts to shoot flaming missiles at the ground while all the warriors mount ikrans and horses .

Neteyam and Loak get going once they realise what is happening. Suddenly, a bomb goes off behind them and they both go flying.

Once the ship has been shot down, Jake runs to where the boys were.

"Loak where are you! Neteyam!"

He finds Loak looking shaken up and covered in ash.

"Easy, are you okay? Where's your brother?"

"Where is he, where?"

Loak points off to the side somewhere, "that way."

"Get outta here. Go on"

Jake starts climbing all the train rubble.


"Oh no" he says as he realises what might have happened. (that didn't age well)...

Jake runs around frantically, picking up other fallen navi soldiers trying to find his eldest son.

He spots him on the ground face down. He runs up to him and turns him over. Neteyam groans.

"Dad?" Jake checks his back and sees a big cut down the centre of it.

"What are you doing here boy, what the hell were you thinking!"

As Jake flungs him on his shoulder, Neteyam manages to let out a sorry.

"Sorry sir."



btw, you will be introduced soon. patience people patience.

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