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Unknown Contact
Don't spam me or I'll be mad.

Ni-ki frowned at his phone

Who's this? Weirdo stalker stop talking to me

Hana gasped unbelievable at her phone as she put away the groceries

Unknown contact
Bro? Are you dumb? I literally just gave you my number

Ni-ki flopped onto his couch and sighed in realisation. He saved his neighbours contact

My Hana🏵️💛
I gotta go to work now, leave me alone👹

Ni-ki 👾
By work, do you possibly mean Mr Shota's resteraunt?
Did you just leave me on read?
I'll be there around midday


Hyeri wiped the sweat off her forehead with her forearm and bagged the orders. Usually, morning at the resteraunt would be quiet, the two would normally prepare all the ingredients for the day and tidy up a bit.

But today, a big order was placed, ready just in time for lunch.

"Hana! I think the girls here to pick up the order, would you mind going out?"

Hana carried the last bag to the counter and saw-

Woah. Two insanely pretty foreign girls starting back at her.

"Order for Hyeri?" Hana shyly, pushing the bag forward.

"Yes, thankyou." Hyeri said.

"Cash or card?"

Hyeri pulled out her wallet containing wads of cash. While she counted up the money, the blonde girl spoke up.

"You're really pretty, what's your name?"

"It's Hana... Are you guys from around here?"

The blonde shook hear head. "My name's Yunjin, nice to meet you. We're from Korea, we came on a holiday."

Mr Shota came out at that exact time, carting two bowls of soup and rice. Hana was guessing it would be their lunch for today.

Hyeri focused back on the girls and looked at all the food. "I'm guessing you have a lot of company with you?"

Yunjin chuckled attractively as Hyeri handed Hana the cash. "Eight people. Would be nine but-"

Mr Shota dropped the bowls of food on the floor, startling the three girls. He gasped so loud, Hana was scared that something was happening to him.

"Sir are you alright?" Hyeri asked in concern

Hana followed Mr Shota's gaze to the door.

"Long time no see, Me Shota" the boy waved charmingly

"Oh, it's just Ni-ki." She mumbled so that the old man wouldn't hear.

"Wait, you know Ni-ki?" Hyeri asked.

"Oh! Hyeri, Yunjin. What are you doing here?" Ni-ki seemed to forget the old man.

"Ohhh, so she's the reason Ni-ki hasn't hung out with us in Japan yet"

The small resteraunt was in small chaos. Confusion was littered in the air.

Mr Shota slowly walked out from behind the counter and raised his hands to cup Niki's face.

"My boy...you're taller than me now...when-" the man failed to speak as he slowly started to weep.

"I never thought I'd see you again" Mr Shota trembled in shock.

Niki smiled lovingly at the old man and brang him in for a hug. "I missed you sir." Was all he said.

The three girls were awkwardly frozen, not knowing what to do.

"Thankyou for the meal, I hope we can all meet soon." Yunjin said, slipping Hyeri a piece of torn paper with her number on it.

"Make sure you text us." Hyeri smiled, before quietly slipping out of the resteraunt.

Hana now stood at the counter, not knowing what to do.

"Hana! Ni-ki's back! Come say hello!" Mr Shota beckoned the girl over.

"I already met him sir..."

Mr Shota pasued. "And you didn't tell me, my dear girl?"

"It kinda slipped my mind..." The girl meekly rubbed her hand.

"That's it, we have to talk." The old man said, before walking to the door of the building and locking the door.

"Sir, it's still midday. You can't close-" Niki protested

"Don't be an old fart, Ni-ki. You're more important than my shop."


The three sat down around newly made soup and rice.

"I missed your cooking sir. In Korea, we only order take out."

Me Shota nod his head knowingly. "Ah yes, takeout. I would know, I was close to being an idol, you know?"

The teenagers pasued in shock, before bursting out in laughter.

"You don't believe me? I was quite handsome back in the day." Mr Shota continued to joke.

"You know I'm an idol?" Ni-ki asked after calming down from his fit of laughter.

"Ofcourse! Hana and I always play your music and watch you dance with the other boys. Hana here especially loves that one song...what was it dear? Go big or go home? She thinks you got a lot of screentim-"

"Mr Shota!" Hana dropped her utensils and covered her face in embarassment. "Why are you doing this to me" she groaned, to which Ni-ki laughed.

"Hana dear, could you possibly go get the ice-cream? We've been waiting for this occasion for too long now." Mr Shota instructed once the trio finished their meal.

The girl nod her head and got up, taking all the dirty dishes with her in the process.

The old man turned to Ni-ki and held his hand solemnly. "Ni-ki, I don't understand why you had to leave with no notice. And I don't understand why you never contacted Hana either. And I don't want to know either, it's in the past."

"When you left, it broke Hana. She wasn't herself for months after. Now, I understand you had a little bit of a crush on her back then-"

"Mr Shota, How'd you know?" Niki turned red.

The old man chuckled. "I have my ways. You didn't hear this from me, but Hana might have felt the same way. Your love for eachother hasn't ended yet, my boy. It just got cut off. Put on hold for a bit."

"Now that you're back, it's your responsibility to make everything right again. And don't deny your feelings once you realise, it'll only make things harder."

"What feelings Mr Shota?" Ni-ki asked dumbfounded.

"You'll know when the time comes. Now, do you still have that leather bracelet?"

Niki nodded his head

"I want you to wear it from tomorrow on, don't ever take it off. Maybe it'll remind Hana of what you two used to have." The old man instructed.

"Deep down, she has forgiven you for what happened four Summers ago, but she hasn't forgotten."

"Just remember, that what happened back then was not your fault. It was the circumstances that pulled you two apart, not you." Mr Shota smiled genuinely at the younger boy, giving him the closure that he desperately needed for so long.

"I'm back, what'd I miss?" Hana re-entered with the long awaited icecream in her hands

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