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girl it's barely 6am, who's yelling?


"I'm awake now, what do you want?" Hana asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Nothing. You just didn't wake up for your walk this morning. Everything ok?" Niki asked, throwing the girl a bottle of water and Panadol.

Hana didn't catch it, instead, it hit her in the face.

"Yo what the hell?"

"My bad. It's for you. Take it after you eat- ok you can take it now I guess" Niki watched the girl pick up the goods and take the pain killers at once.

"I feel tired today, let's skip today's walk." The girl said, leaving to go to the bathroom

"Is she a zombie or what?" Niki thought back on how dead the girl looked.

Hana dragged herself to the bathroom to do her morning business only to find red spots in her underwear.

"Ohhhh" she thought to herself. "Everything makes so much sense now."

The girl opened her cabinet, where her pads would usually be stored, only to find her stash was empty.

"Huh?" The girl thought back to her previous cycle. Hana had finished her stock of pads and told herself to restock later, only to be distracted by work and life.


The girl but her life anxiously and accepted the truth.

She was going to run to the shops real quick and use toilet paper as a makeshift pad for now.

The girl rushed out of her house, forcing on a hoodie to look just a little more presentable.

"Hana? Where are you going, wait for me!" Niki yelled from his door as he watched the girl run

"Wait there, I'll be back later!" Hana instructed the boy, not being in the mood to explain anything to him.

As she made her way to the isle that contained exactly what she needed, Hana bumped into a someone, causing them to hit shoulders together.

"Ah I'm so sorry, I should've been more attentive to my surroundings" the stranger spoke.

"No, I'M sorry, I should've slowed dow- Hyeri?" Hana asked, finally getting a glimpse of the person.

"Oh Hana! What a surprise, what are you doing here so early?"

The girl reached beind the other and grabbed a pack of pads. "Needed these urgently sooo..."

"You too?!" Hyeri gushed, holding up her own. "Have you heard that friends always sync their cycles? We must be friends, right?" Hyeri asked, chuckling.

Hana laughed at the girls words and nodded, even thought they had only met once before.

The two girls make their way to the counter side by side.

"Hey, so..." Hyeri started. "Yunjin and I were gonna have like a girls night tonight, and we'd really like it if you could come"

"We'll paint out nails, eat good food, watch a movie, stuff like that, you up for it?"

Hana thought nervously. "Well I wouldn't wanna intrude on your night-"

Yunjin popped up from behind and slapped the girls shoulder. "Don't be silly, we want you to be there with us!"

"Yo where'd you even come from-"

"-you have our numbers right? We'll text you our hotel details and all, make sure you come ok?" Hana interrupted.

Yunjin looked at Hana in the eyes. "You better come or I'll drag you and make you join us"

"Byeee!" The girls simultaneously chimed, handing Hana a pack of pads that had already been paid for in the midst of chaos.


Pretty girl Hyeri
It's gonna be a pyjama party!!
Maybe we'll go to the pool too
Nvm we have our periods
7.30, you better be there

Hana sighed and stared at her phone before she closed up the resteraunt for the night.

"Mr Shota, I'm gonna change out of uniform in the bathroom, don't lock me in" the girl yelled as she picked up her change of clothes.

She re emmerged from the bathroom five minutes later and stared at herself in the mirror

Hana had gone out and bought a pretty pair of pyjamas, she honestly didn't know what to expect with Hyeir and Yunjin

Would they were silk pyjamas while Hana showed up in disney Pyjamas?

Would they wear Kmart pj's while Hana showed up in a faby robe?

Would they wear matching nightwear while Hana showed up in something completely out of pocket?

The girl didn't know, so she chose to play it safe and bought dark blue silk pyjamas. Not too fancy, yet not too simple. She was sure that she couldn't possibly make a fool out of herself this way

Mr Shota walked in just as Hana out on a long coat.

"Dear girl, are you wearing Pyjamas? And what's with the coat in summer?"

Hana laughed at the old man's confused expression.

"Remmeber the girls that made that big order of food? I made friends with them and they invited me to a pyjama party"

Mr Shota smiled fondly at the girl Infront of him.

His little Hana was slowing inching her way out of her shell, expanding her world.

She was finally growing up and becoming into a confident young woman.

"Sounds lovely, would you like to take these steamed buns with you? You shouldn't show up empty handed after all..."

Hana gasped. "Ohmygod I hadn't thought of that? Thankyou so much sir! I'll get going now!" She ran to the old man and pecked his cheek like a daughter would to their father.

Mr Shota chuckled to himself as he watched the girl hail a taxi

"When did my girl grow up?"


Hana found herself standing outside a fancy hotel room door, bag of steamed buns in one hand, phone in the other.

Her leather bracelet felt extremely tight and suffocating right now.

What if she went in and killed the mood? What if they decided that Hana wasn't fun or outgoing enough for them? What if she was just awkward the entire time and ruined everyone's night?

The door swung open, suprising Hana.

"You made it!!!! Hyeri, she made it!!!" Yunjin yelled excitedly, grabbing Hana and pulling her in.

"Tonight's gonna be so much fun." Yunjin squealed, hugging Hana excitedly.

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