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The funeral went by in a flash.

Everyone in the town had come to pay their respects. Everyone that had dined at the resteraunt had come to provide support. Everyone that had enjoyed Mr Shota's company had come to wish him well.

Hana now sat at a table with everyone, being huddled by Hyeri and Yunjin as Niki received support from his older brothers too.

"I mean, it's been a week already, I think I'm done mourning. Mr Shota wouldn't want us to be so sad. life goes on, and so must we." Hana said after being asked if she was ok.

"I think we knew his time was coming to an end, we just didn't expect it to come so soon." Niki said. "It's been hard, but it's bearale."

The couple had not seen eachother since that day at the hospital, simply because when they did, all they would do was hold on to eachother and weep for hours on end until someone came to separte them. It wasn't healthy, period.

Everyone knew how much the old man meant to the children, and how their loss would affect them. The two needed time apart to heal.

Niki and Hana finally sat together an hour later, surrounded by their friends.

They told stories of the man, relieved their best memories and boasted about his good morals.

"He was a good man." Hana said once they were done.

Niki turned to the girl, concerned. "Hana, who's your legal guardian now? Will they take you away?" He asked.

Hana shook her head. "I'm 18 in a month, so I'm fine to keep living how I am. Mr Shota left everything in his will to me, so I'll be able to go on without a job for some time. I'll actually be able to completely focus on my studies for a year without worrying about work now."

"Turns out, Mr Shota had been setting aside money since we were children just for me, so I inherit that on top of all his other assets and money."

"And what about the resteraunt?" Yunjin asked.

"We'll have to sell it, there's no way I can manage that." Hana smiled sorrowfully. "It's the end of an era."

Yunjin rubbed the girls back.

Sunghoon apporcahed the table with a full tub of ice cream.

"Let's eat."


Everything passed in a blur. And now, it was the groups final night in Japan.

Hana had taken it upon herself to open up Mr Shota's resteraunt for a private function one last time.

The group sat around a large circular table and laughed as they ate good food.

"Here it is! The famous world renowned steamed buns!" Jake made a show as he came to the table and set the plate down.

Everyone grabbed one immedietly, making Niki laugh at their reactions.

"To Mr Shota!" He raised his glass of grape juice

"To Mr Shota!" Everyone else cheered.

The group laughed about last stories, told jokes and made fun of eachother.

"Jay made a dumb decision and ended up finding the love of his life. Maybe I should do that too." Niki said once the group caught Hana up on how the couple had met.

"Maybe I should hit up Taki from Primary school. I heard he's hot now, and he had a crush on me." Hana commented, getting back at the boy.

"Taki, TAKI? since when is Taki hot?" Niki fired up, being enormously affected by Hana's comment, making the group snort grape juice out of their noses.

"Ahh, our Hana's so grown up now. I can't believe I won't see her for a while now." Sunghoon commented. "My sister from another mister, I'll miss you."

Everyone grew silent. To be honest, they were all feeling some sort of guilt. They were about to leave behind an orphaned girl who had no one.

"So..." Jungwon started. "I've talked to our manager, and he's willing to offer you a high paying job in Korea, working for us."

"Oh yeah!" Jake added. "You'll have accommodation provided for you, and we'll pay for your housing necessities and bills."

Hana smiled. "I'm thankful for the offer, seriously. But I'll have to pass. I'd like to finish my education first, then maybe I'll come to Korea."

Yunjin let out the breath she'd been holding. "Thank god. Nepotism." She shook her head disapprovingly.

Everyone laughed at the girl and shook their heads.

"Time for dessert?"

Everyone devoured their desserts and ate til their stomachs were full, and we're now laying around Hana's living room.

They had decided to stay at the girls home for their last night, a giant sleepover.

A tent had been set up using mattresses, chairs and blankets as the group told scary stories in the middle of the night.

They had lost track of time, especially since Heeseung had been telling a really really good story.

"Ok guys, we should go to bed now." Yunjin said as she checked her phone.

"Oh shit, it's 5am already? We need to be there in an hour-"

Everyone froze.

Turns out, they had been having a really REALLY good time, because the sun had risen and no one had noticed.

Immedietly, everyone jumped up and fumbled around.

They used the bathroom all at once to brush their teeth.

They raided Hana's kitchen and ate whatever they could find for breakfast

While all this was happening, Hana sat down on her couch, watching everyone numbly.

Her friends were going away so soon.

Niki was going away so soon.

They gathered their bags in a rush and loaded them into the rental van.

"Wait, I need to go bathroom. Do you think I have time?" Sunghoon yelled.

"You can take a shit at the airport!" Niki yelled back, making everyone laugh.

Finally, everyone was on their way to the airport.

Niki and Hana sat side by side, holiding eachothers hands tightly.

It was their last day together.

Sounds somewhat familiar, doesn't it?

Niki was leaving, except this time, Hana knew. Hana wasn't kept in the dark.

Niki was leaving, except this time, he was able to say goodbye to Hana.

Niki was leaving.

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