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Hana choked on air.

Did you know I had a crush on you four Summers ago?

No. No, Hana did not know.

"What are you talking about. Stop playing around." The girl attempted to retract her hand from the boys grasp

"I'm serious. I had the biggest crush on you. You know, I was talking to Mr Shota the other day, and he said something along the lines of how our feelings didn't end when I left, they were just put on hold."

Hana was all ears now

"I get it now. When I came back, all I could think about was how puberty has treated you so well, and how we could've maybe had something between us if I had chosen to stay here."

Hana was red.

"Though, I suspect I always knew you were the one for me. I've only ever had eyes for you."

Hana abruptly pulled her hands away, making the boy flinch.

"Why are you telling me all this now?"

"I'm here to win you back. I know you liked me too, back then." Niki smiled.

What the hell?

The girl back then had tried her absolute best to hide her feelings, only to now know that her efforts had gone to waste.

"What if I'm not into you anymore?" Hana asked.

"Then I'll wait for you. But I think we both know that's not true." Niki slowly snaked his hands with Hana's again, this time, the girl let him

"And what about your job? Won't you be going back to Korea soon?"

"I think we're both mature enough to work it out. The universe wants us to be together, it's pretty clear. So let us be together."

Two days later, Hana lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling mindlessly.

Her head and her heart were telling her different things.

Yes! You do want to be with him. Girl, you've been waiting for this since day one. Her heart told her.

Are you sure you're ready for this? Do you think you can handle the distance? Her head replied.

If you don't snatch up this opportunity right now, he might end up with someone else. Her heart said.

He told us that the universe wants us to be together, and that he's only ever had eyes for us. He can wait if he needs to. Her head ended.

But what does Hana want?

"Give me a day to think on it." Hana had said at the picnic.

"I'm so dumb, I should have asked for more time" the girl moaned into her pillow. It had been not one, but two days since then.

You can always just tell him you need more time her head said.

"No, I'll sleep on it and answer him tomorrow."

The girl thrashed around in her bed, pulling her hair and kicking her feet in the air. Her sight was blocked, causing her to roll off onto the floor with a loud thud.

. . .

"Hanaaaa? Are you ok?" Niki called out from next door.

Hana didn't answer.

Her hard work of avoiding Niki for two days wasn't going tobe put to waste now.

"If you don't answer, I'll climb through your window right now"

"Yeah whatever." The girl remained silent. "Empty threats."

The girl got up and turned her lamp light off, ready to go to bed when a figure rolled through her window and onto the floor at lightning speed.

Startled, the girl switched on the lamp. "Yo what the hell? How'd you even do that..." The girl asked, helping the boy up to his feet.

"If you will, you can" Niki said charmingly. "What was that loud noise from before?"

"Nothing. I fell. Don't look at me like that."

Niki held his snicker and put on a concerned face. "Aww, did my Hana get hurt? Did my Hana get an ouchie? Do you want me to kiss it better?" He walked towards Hana, holding his hands out for a hug.

"Stop it." The girl slapped his hands away. "I wanna sleep now, go home."

The boy sighted the girls wrist and smirked. "Aww, you like me so much that you'll go to sleep with out matching bracelet on? That's so cute" he pinched Hana's cheeks.

"Ugh get off me you werido"

Niki stopped, smiled at the girl softly and sighed.

"I'll get going now. And Hana? I know you said that you'll give me an answer soon, but don't feel pressured to. I don't want you to avoid me any more."

"I so desperately want to be yours, but I want you to want me desperatly too. Don't force yourself." He finished.

Hana smiled greatfully at the boys understanding.

"Thankyou, but I think I've made up my mind."

"How could we ever be just friends? You and I are connected." She made a first with both of her hands. "Like this. I don't wanna lose that."

Niki smiled ever so brightly and the girl in front of him.

"Are you serious? No are you for real? Is this real?" He asked, his mods being lifted when further.

Hana chuckled at the boy u front of her and nod her head. "For real, would you like to be my boyfriend"

"No." He said. Hana's face dropped instantly. Is he kidding? Hana thought the boy literally just said that he liked her.

"Wait no, that's not what I meant. Like, yeah I want to be your boyfriend. But not now. Gosh I don't make any sense." He ran his fingers through his air. "Yes, I want to be your boyfriend, but I want the scenario to be more romantic."

Hana was so confused. "Huh?"

"I want to ask you if I can be your boyfriend in a romantic scenario. I don't know, maybe while we're at a flower field and the sun is setting and the birds are singi-"

"Where are you going to find a flower field here?"

"I don't know. Just trust me, ok? We're together, but don't call me your boyfriend just yet." And with that, Niki ran towards Hana, pecked her forehead and ran back to the window.

"HEY! Use the door! Why do you wanna climb through the window again"

"You're right..."

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