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"Nice bracelet by the way" Niki commented as he stuffed his hands in his pocket as the duo walked the familiar path home.

They had gone on a morning walk, something that was becoming routine for the two.

Hana smiled and admired her wrist. "You're wearing yours too, right?"

Niki rolled down his sleeve and shoved it in the girls face.

"Ok ok, I get it, you're wearing it too, jeez"

Ni-ki grinned brightly at the girls reaction.

"Well, I'm gonna go shower and get ready for the day." Hana said as they approached their houses.

"Another day off?" Ni-ki questioned. "Mr Shota's been giving you alot of time off recently."

"I suppose I have you to thank for it, he wants us to get close again." Hana shrugged her shoulders. "I don't think he realises that we are close."

Niki smiled brightly at the girls words. "We're close?"

Hana shook her head unbelievably. "Are you kidding? We don't hang out every morning for no reason." She said before turning around and entering her house.

Her words left Ni-ki feeling warm and fuzzy inside.


Hana left the shower in a hurry, grabbing around for her ringing phone

"Ni-ki? Why'd you call me, you could've just yelled from your window."

"Yeah, go on, tell her" a deep voice whispered faintly in the background.

"H-Hi! Hana! Me and Ni-ki were going on a picnic today and I want you to come" Solas voice came through the phone.

Hana was puzzled before she put the pieces together. "Oh?" She chuckled. "Is that so? How did a little girl like you get through Niki's phone? I'm sure he has a password"

"Yeah! His passwords NikiandHan-"

The phone was ripped out of the little girls hand. "Hey Hana...hahahah." the boy awkwardly chuckled. "Sorry, Sola stole my phone."

"No I didn't! You told me to tell her to come to the picn-"

The call ended, leaving Hana more confused than ever.

She finished her shower, got dressed and entered her room, ready to deal with her hair.

"Hana! Over here! Do you wanna come on a picnic with Sola and I? She really wants you to come." Ni-ki downright lied.

Hana walked to her window. "Sure, I mean if you're so desperate for my company..."

Niki looked down as he blushed. "Fine, you got me. I asked Sola to ask you."

Hana smirked. "What's the dress code? And where are we going, I don't wanna have another stalker on our hands again"

Ni-ki thought silently for some time. "Hana would look pretty in a dress..."

"Sola's going to wear a dress, so you should too." He finally decided. "And we're just going to the local park. It's practically abandoned since kids these days are stuck on technology, so we should be fine."

They met outside their houses 20 minutes later. Hana had shown up in a short white dress, decorated with small cherries and wore her hair half up half down. In Niki's eyes, she was the most beautiful girl in the world.

Ni-ki, who had been spying on the girl through the window, wore a white shirt with black slacks. Sola rocked up in a princess costume, looking as cute as ever.

"Oh? We're matching outfits? I guess we just belong together." Niki commented.

"I hope you step on Lego tonight." Hana threatened. "I'll make sure it happens."

The two walked side by side while Sola raced ahead, Hana carried the food while Niki carried the picnic mat.


They rocked up to an empty park 20 minutes later and decided to set up their mat a few metres from the small playground.

"Woah, these muffins are really good"

"Damn, I never liked quiche but..."

"Hana? Can you please give me some juice? Ni-ki's too busy stuffing his face"

After finishing their food, the trio say down and relaxed under the warm sun.

"Hey, Hana. Can you pass these strawberries to Sola? If you give them to her, she'll actually eat them." Ni-ki whispered, taking Hana's hand and placing a strawberry in it.

The request was weird, to say the least.

Still, Hana complied. "Hey Sola, want a strawberry?" The young girl nod her head enthusiastically and accepted the berry.

Niki kept sneaking berries into the girls hand, as she kept feeding berries to the younger one.

Eventually, Sola got full

"I'm full now, thankyou Hana." The girl rubbed her stomach and smiled.

"Hey, there's just one more left, think you can get her to eat it?" Ni-ki asked

Hana was confused. Why was he making her feed the little girl? Why didn't he just do it himself?

Regardless, the girl opened her palm and presented it to Niki as she thought of what she'd say to the little girl

You could only imagine her suprise when Niki captured Hana's hand in his own, holiding it so delicately.

"Niki wha-" she started, looking at their intertwined hands, then Niki's face. "what about Sola-"

"Sola's playing on the playground already. What about her?" He charmingly smiled at the girl.

Hana unwillingly felt herself blushing and looked the other way.

"Did I mention that you look really pretty today?" Ni-ki asked, only making her heart flutter even more.

Gosh can he stop? Why is he making me feel this way?

"Let's stay like this for a while. It feels nice." He said, urging Hana to sit closer to him.

Hana scooted closer and held his hand tighter.

Niki played with ther girls fingers. "Did you know I had a crush on you four Summers ago?"

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