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One year later

The girl, who was now an adult, walked out of the school hall and onto the field.

Parents, friends and families were all celebrating with their loved ones, for the class of '23 had just graduated.

Hana looked around and saw photos being taken, bouquets being reviewed and hugs been reciprocated.

Hana had no one physically. But she knew she had people looking down on her from above, smiling proudly.

And she knew she had her friends from Korea, all of whom had messaged her their words of congratulations, and had all delivered packages of gifts to her doorstep the morning prior.

She looked down as her stomach grumbled and thought. "There's nothing for me here, might as well go to the vending machine."

She had been extremely hungry, seeing that she had skipped breakfast after running late for the graduation ceremony.

As she made her way to the vending machine, ready to splurge on unhealthy goodness, the girl remebered her leather bracelet. It had been sitting and waiting patiently for her in her pocket.

Hana rolled her eyes as she recalled the scene from earlier. "Hana, take your bracelet off now. This is a formal event, your bracelet will ruin everything. You can put it on later." The teacher had told her off in their horrible nasly voice.

I mean, it's a special day. No one is going to lose their shit over a leather bracelet. Everyone's celebrating their own wins.

Sometimes the school system confused Hana. But not anymore, she had graduated.

The girl took the bracelet out of her pocket as she apporcahed the vending machine, which was to her luck empty, and put out her wrist so that she could put it on.

Suddenly, she was harshly bumped by a rude man.

"What the hell? Are you blind?" She angrily but her lip

"Sorry 'bout that, would you like some help putting it on?"

That voice.

That sweet sweet voice.

Hana's head shot up immedietly, and she was met with the sight of her lover staring down at her, watching her every move so affectionately.

"My Hana. You've graduated!" He smiled before being attacked in a bear hug.

Hana sobbed delightedly into Niki's shoulder. "What are you doing here freak?" She managed to get out between sobs. "I thought I was gonna be alone all day." She finally got her worries off her chest.

"Alone? Baby girl, we couldn't let you feel like that." She heard another voice, only to be met with a group of some very very familiar people.

"Gosh, we landed an hour ago and they're already being so lovey Dovey" Sunoo shook in disgust.

Hana laughed the tears out of her eyes as Sunghoon approached her.

"My sister from another mister, welcome to the real world!" He handed her a bouquet of flowers

Hana accepted them happily, still half hugging Niki.

"Let's go celebrate!" Niki suggested after they exchanged their greetings.

"WAIT! wait wait, we have to take a photo." Hyeri said, pulling out an old ass camera from who knows where.

Hana grabbed the camera and gave it to a classmate of hers and asked them to take the picture.

Everyone posed cheerfully for the camera, pulling silly faces and laughing at eachother.

"Ok, now we can go." Hyeri approved.

"Thanks for taking the photo, Taki. Keep in touch, yeah?" Hana yelled as she walked away with her friends.

"Wait, was that Taki?" Niki whipped his head dumbfounded.

Hana laughed, seeing that her methods of teasing her boyfriend had worked effeciently and effectively.

"Taki? I need to see Taki. He can't be that hot, can he?"

And just like that, Niki and Hana walked out of the school and towards their long life together, hand in hand


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