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The ride to the airport was hectic, to say the least.

The elder boys took food into the car and ate it on the way as they complained about how staying up all night triggered a huge apetite.

The younger boys slept, even though the car was going at like 170 an hour.

Hyeri and Yunjin painted the younger boys nails as they slept and styled their hair so that it would look 'cute' when they woke up.

Hana and Niki sat at the back of the van, holding eachothers hands and cuddling.

"I'll miss this." Niki said as he nuzzled the girls hair.

"Me too. You better call everyday. Or text, I don't care." Hana said as she spoke. "At this point, call me when you're brushing your teeth every morning and night. It can be our couple thing."

Niki snorted at the absurd request. "What if I'm in the shower while I'm brushing me teeth. We're short on time alot, gotta multitask."

"Audio call is a thing you know?" Hana scrunched up her face in disgust.

The exhaustion from running on no sleep caught up to the two, and they ended up closing their eyes and sleeping in eachothers arms.

When they woke, they were at the airport.

Everyone had unloaded all the bags, so there was nothing left to do except for getting on the plane.

Hana stood and watched all her friends check in, she felt numb.

Hyeri quickly finished checking in and rushed to the younger girls side.

"You ok baby?" She asked.

Yunjin joined them next and hugged the girls hand. "Why don't you get in my suitcase now, no one will know." She said half seriously.

Slowly, the boys joined them. They stood in a circle and took one last photo-for memories, as Hyeri said.

Hana hugged everyone goodbye.

Sunghoon ruffled her hair and told her that she could message him anytime if she needed anything at all.

Sunoo told her that he would send her his favourite books of the month, and that she should do the same.

Heeseung thanked the girl for the advice she had given him back at the train station.

Jungwon hugged the girl and told her how he was happy she had found love, and he was happy that Niki had someone good for him.

Jay shook her hand oddly and told her that she was cool for what happened with the reporter at what seemed like years ago, and that she should never lose her sense of personality.

Jake fist bumped her and told her that he hoped they could become closer in the future.

Hyeri squeezed the air out of the girls lungs and told her that they were gonna be friends forever.

Yunjin kissed the girls cheeks and told her that she always had a place for Hana to stay whenever she needed.

And finally, Niki gave Hana one last bittersweet kiss, knowing that they wouldn't see eachother for a long time after.

It was a bittersweet goodbye

"I'm glad we got to reconnect, and I'm glad we all got to be friends. This has been really fun guys, make sure you come back." Hana handed everyone a final parting gift, a steamed bun.

"Thankyou for healing my soul." She whispered to the girls as she handed them something extra, what they would later find to be was friendship necklaces.

"Thankyou for telling me to wear my leather bracelet again." She hugged Niki tightly.

As much as she didn't want to let go, Hana knew that they were running late and that the group had to leave. Now.

"Bye guys!" She waved, tears pooling in her eyes.

Instead of replying, everyone crowded in for a group hug.

And then they left.

Hana stood there and watched them walk until they couldn't be seen anymore. She had never felt so alone.

That was until her phone buzzed. It was Niki, requesting a video call

Confused, the girl answered and was immedietly shown a view of everyone crowded around the camera.

"You didn't think we would let go so easily, did you?" Niki smirked.

"You're coming all the way with us, doesn't matter if it's digitally." Yunjin covered the entire screen with her face.

"Yeah, I also just made a groupchat with everyone in it, make sure you talk to us on there" Sunoo threatened, eyes wide open.

Hana couldn't help but laugh, even though tears were streaming out of her eyes. Passerbys would most definately think she was a lunatic. But Hana felt happier than ever, because she had realised something.

Hana was lonely

but not alone.

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