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"-ugh and you and Jay are always being so lovey Dovey to eachother, it's disgusting honestly" yunjin angrily ate her steamed bun

"Awww" Hyeri cooed. "Don't worry baby, I'll pay more attention to you from now on. Jays my side chick, you're the real deal" Hyeri pinched Yunjins cheeks, earning a slap on the arm in the process

Hana sat on a pillow opposite the two, observing them as they rant.

"And Heeseungs been getting on my nerve lately, the way he's always talking about that 'Gyuri' girl. Ok sir, I get it. I get dreams about random people too. Doesn't mean I lose my shit over them" yunjin grabbed gummy worms and stuffed them in her mouth.

"I think I'm losing Niki from the singles club too. He won't shut up about Hana-" the two girls stopped as they were reminded of the third presence.


Hana giggles softly. "That's ok, keep going. I wanna hear more."

Yunjin's eyes widened excitedly. "Are you for real? Ok, well Niki always talks about how-"

"Ok that's enough! Let's let Niki and Hana sort out their relationship themselves. We shouldn't get involved and say something we might regret" Hyeri butted in, sympathetically patting Yunjin on the back.

As much as she hated to, Hana had to agree with Hyeri. She didn't wanna hear something out of context right now that would change her whole perspective on Niki. Just as they decided to be more than friends.

Yunjin abandoned her food and pulled out a collection of nail polish.

"Hana, why are you sitting so far from us? Come closer" the beckoned to the girl.

Hana scooted closer awkwardly.

Yunjin and Hyeri noticed how tense the air around Hana felt.

"Hey, I know we just met but I'd really like us all to be good close friends." Hyeri said, trying to make the girl more comfortable.

"Yeah, this must be so awkward for you right now. But a year down the track when we're all super close, we can look back and laugh about today." Yunjin added.

Hana smiled greatfully. "Thanks guys, I promise I'll warm up to you soon. Let's get to know eachother first." She suggested, picking out a cool tone of blue.

"Here let me do that for you-" Hyeri snatched it from her hands and started working on her nails.


"Let's bring out the big guns!" yunjin yelled, holding a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

"Gosh, I haven't drank in ages. It's been too long." The girls were a giggling mess an hour into the meet up.

Hana, who was curious, didn't mention anything about her age.

She had already guessed that the two girls were older than her, they probably didn't know that Hana was underage.

She trusted Hyeri and Yunjin to take care of her, and wanted her first time drinking to be with people she actually liked and could depend on

"You can always come to us if you need anything" Hyeri had said earlier in in the night as she polished Hana's nails oh so delicately.

"Seriously, we're just a phone call away" yunjin said. "And I need to network with people in Japan, you're my first target" yunjin added, causing the girls to errupt into a violent fit of giggles.

"For you my lady" Yunjin handed Hyeri a cup full of liquid.

"And for you, my lady" yunjin handed Hyeri a cup.

"And for me, the fairest of them all" yunjin took a cup herself.

"To the best girls in the world! Soul Sister's!" Hyeri cheered, resulting in the girls clinking their plastic red cups together.

Hyeri and Hana were on their fourth cup? Fifth cup? The girls had lost track of how much they had drank.

Hana huddled herself on the bed and clutched her cup loosely.

"Hey, Yun, do you think she's ok?" Hyeri asked Yunjin, who was singing her heart out to Taylor Swift

"She's fine, maybe she drank too much?" Yunjin yelled

"Gosh, she's only on her first cup. Yunjin, what if it's her first time?"

Hyeirs statement caused Yunjin to sober up a little.

She turned down the music and crouched down on the floor in front of Hana.

"Hana? Baby, how old are you?"

Hana giggles at the question. "17. You guys are really pretty you know? I wanna be like you guys. Hot queens slaying girl bosses"

Hyeri and Yunjins blood froze. "We should have made sure she was legal"

"She's like the same age as Niki, we should have reaslised."

"I think it's late and I should go home." Hana tried to stand up

"What are we gonna do? She can't go home like this"

"She can stay with us, it's not big deal"

"Hana? You wanna stay the night with us? We'll take care of you properly this time" Yunjin asked.

Hana meekly nod her head and giggled as Hyeri pried the cup out of her hands.

"How about we go and clean you up, huh? Let's brush your teeth and then we can sleep." Hyeir suggested, guiding Hana to the bathroom.

Later that night, the three girls lay in bed, Hana in the middle.

"Let's sleep now, ok? It's pretty late"

Hana was starting to feel more like herself now, but she still felt the effects of the alcohol.

"You guys are the best, seriously. I love you guys and I only just met you. The only friends I have." Hana blurted out into the dark night.

"What are you taking about? You have Niki, he's your friend." Hyeri felt moved by the little girls words.

"Niki and I like eachother. He's my boyfriend now. Sort of." Hana said hugging Yunjins arm like a pillow.

The two girls internally squealed, happy to hear that Hana and Niki had FINALLY stopped being stupid and confessed to eachother

Hyeri let out a long sigh. "Finally" she telepathically communicated with Yunjin

"Kids have better love lives than I do. I'm sad. I'm going to sleep." Yunjin telepathically replied back

Then they all slept peaceful sleeps.

So peaceful that they didn't notice the boys that had crept into their rooms the next morning.

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