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"TADAA!" Niki ran into the room and jumped into the bed, which by the way, was currently being used by Jay and Sunghoon.

"HEY! get off us" Jay yelled.

"Shhh, listen to this." He brought everyone's attention to himself as he held up a flyer.

The group huddled around to see an ad for Tokyo Tower. "I got us tickets!"

Niki was smiling so brightly at the room, everyone felt the need to show some type of reaction


"That's so cool!"

"Sounds fun kid"

Niki slumped his shoulders and looked at the group.

"Guys, be for real. If you don't wanna go, we don't have to."

"NO!" Jake yelled, startling everyone. "We should go, Ni-ki planned this for us so well. Besides, we have no other plans."

The group nod their head in agreement. "Wanna go later tonight then?"

It was settled, the group would be going to the very top of Tokyo Tower.

And it was going to be fun.


"No, don't buy the tickets again, Niki already has them"

"We just have to check in and then we can go"

"Why are you going that way? We have to go this way"

"Jeez, you try to be helpful and no one appreciates you." Sunghoon rolled his eyes after doing everything wrong.

Hana giggled at the older boy. "That's because you were doing everything wrong"

"Whatever, you guys don't keep it real the way I do." Sunghoon muttered, falling behind the back of the group.

"First up, we'll be going to the main deck." Jungwon told everyone. "I want everyone to be on their best behaviour, don't embarass me or I WILL beat you with my shoes."

Everyone murmered their 'yes's' and 'ok's' before entering the elevator.

"Damn, we should have taken the stairs. For the experience." Jake shook his head.

"Who even are you." Hyeri muttered in disgust.

The elevator stopped and everyone rushed out, eager to see the city at night.

They admired the view, took photos and pretended to push eachother off the building. Which was scarier than it should have been.

Hana, who was still at the back of the group, crouched down so she could tie her shoe laces.

She looked up and saw that everyone had moved on.

Everyone but Niki.

"Quick!" He ushered the girl into the elevator.

Hana, who was confused, furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, everyone else is still-"

"Just let them be. Come with me. Hey, that rhymes."

Niki pressed the button to go to the very top of the tower.

He held Hana's hand and smiled brightly.

The elevator dingged, signalling that they could get off.

Niki pushed Hana so that she could go Infront of her.

"What's this?" Hana said as she walked out onto a path of rose petals.

There was no one there, besides Niki and Hana.

The cafe was exempt of all staff, there were no other tourists taking pictures and there were no tour guides watching over everyone

Hana turned around to see Niki holiding a small bear and a bunch of flowers.

"Did you know that lovers that go to the top of Tokyo Tower will always stay together?" He asked

Hana shook her head

Niki walked closer and closer to her. "I like you. And I always have. I don't know when it started, but liking you has come naturally to me, I do it without a second thought."

"I'd like to gift you all the necklaces and earrings and rings in the world, but nothing could ever compare to out matching leather bracelets, so here's this instead."

Niki held out a large scrapbook, decorated with flowers, hearts and stickers.

Hana opened the book to find endless photos of the duo since they were children.

Each photo came along with small sentences or long paragraphs, saying things like 'we we're so cute here' and 'that day was the best'

On the last page, Hana found a photo from 2018. Hana and Niki were sitting in Mr Shota's resteraunt, clearly waiting for the old man to bring out some food.

Mr Shota must have taken it in secret.

The message that came along with this photo however, was long.

'This was our last day together. Four Summers ago. Although I cannot promise you that what we have will be easy, I pomise you it'll be worthwhile. And that I will always love and support you unconditionally. You are my best friend, my mentor and the person I look up to. You are many things in my life, many except one. Will you fix this for me? Will you be my girlfriend?'

Hana gasped and looked up at the boy, who was eagerly waiting for her answer.

"Is this real? Are you serious?"

Niki laughed and nod his head, eyes sparkling.

Hana enthusiastically nod her head and tackled Niki into a hug as she kept muttering 'yes!" And 'took you long enough'

Once they were done showing their affection to eachother, Niki pulled away.

"Was it worth the wait? Are you happy now?"

Hana nod her head happily and gave the boy a big fat kiss on the cheek.

"You're all mine now, better draw a line with all your fan girls, ok?"

Niki threw his head back and chuckled attractively, before gaining his composure and nodding his head in agreement.

"Wow. Look at them being all gushy together when they left us on the main deck." Sunoo rolled his eyes.

Niki and Hana's head whipped over to the open elevator door, they hadn't realised that the group had now followed them to the top of the tower.

"You guys were basically already together, this was so unnecessary. We should have seen the top of Tokyo Tower together, that's more important." Heeseung commented, congratulating the couple briefly before pushing past them and taking photos of the view.

"Better treat eachother well. Or else big brother Sunghoon is going to be mad" the older boy ruffled both of the kids hair, making them scrunch their faces in annoyance.

Hyeri and Yunjin crowded Hana and pulled her in for a hug.

"We're gonna have a long conversation when we get back home." Hyeri squished Hana's cheeks

"You're not getting away that easily Missy. I still have to give you my blessing." Yunjin added.

Hana and Niki laughed and looked at eachother.

Finally, they were officially eachothers.

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