Gempa ✧ a sea of starlight

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In the vast galaxy, a lone ship traveled quietly in a sea of starlight.

The atmosphere inside however, was anything but.

Though battered and bruised, the injured crew cheered and raised their mugs (filled with non-alcoholic rations) in celebration. Young cadets huddled together, gingerly sipping from their cups as their seniors hollered and partied for a job well done. The Lances laid wasted on various areas within the ship, either nursing wounds or shielding their ears from the loud noises.

It was an occasion worth toasting, as they'd all returned from a mission without a single casualty. Such instances were rare to come by, as the nature of their work involved sticking their necks out to lines of fires in hopes of improving innocent lives.

Not to say that everyone returned in pristine condition, but they were alive, and that's all that mattered. This power sphere in particular had been located in a hostile area in an uncharted system, guarded by sentient armored beings that knew nothing other than to keep the power sphere from leaving. It was located at the very center of the ship, recharging in its station as their mechanics studied its structure and origin.

If it wasn't for their Lance Corporal, they wouldn't have returned alive. That being said, this celebration was dedicated to him, who ducked away to the corner of the room to avoid the spotlight. Not that it stopped starstruck Cadets or Lances from sucking up to him or showering him in praise.

Eventually, Gempa was able to excuse himself further into the ship.

Ying looked away from her work once she saw him approaching. "Shouldn't you be somewhere else?" she asked. "I'd be pretty dang flattered if a party was thrown in my honor."

"Parties aren't really my thing," Gempa confessed. "I've had enough partying for a lifetime."

"Haiyah, it wouldn't kill you to feed your ego once in a while," she huffed, tapping away at one of her screens. It displayed the power sphere's inner workings given by their X-rays, where she isolated each unique part and compared it with their current database. "Do you really have to bother me now?"

Gempa was hardly phased by her abrasive behavior. Aged only 15 and a half, Ying was one of their youngest mechanics to date, but her harsh tongue made it difficult for her to converse with most of her coworkers. Gempa on the other hand, had grown up with a brother whose tongue was sharper than his swords, so he wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"I did almost die trying to save this power sphere," he rebutted. "Is it so wrong that I want to learn about the power sphere I risked my life to retrieve?"

Ying rolled her eyes, but there was a twinge of sympathy mixed in with her sarcastic gesture. It was a very poorly masked attempt to keep himself busy so he wouldn't have to return, but thankfully she was merciful enough to humor him. From the computers, she pulled out detailed images of the power sphere from every angle, coupled by short descriptions of theories and potential anomalies it might have.

"This is a 3rd generation power sphere." She pointed to its body. "Do you see the scratches on its surface? It's not as obvious because some of it eroded because of its lack of maintenance, but you can still tell that the metal was coated using electrolytic plating, and not directly melded with alloys."

"Uh... I think I heard of that in high school?"

"That's the simplified version. This power sphere dates back to when Earth was still a freezing ball of ice. If power spheres are still made today, they would be infinitely more complicated and efficient than the old school models." She changed the screen, showing Gempa its core. "However, the 2nd generation is when the manufacturers got a little more creative. Every generation is shaped by not just their material, but also the nature of their abilities itself."

"Oh!" Gempa clicked his tongue. "I learned this in the introductory course I took a while back." It amazed him how much information can be stored in Ying's brain. She didn't look like she was reading off something in her glasses. "Is the second generation the one that started making psychological weapons out of power spheres?"

Ying nodded. "That's also roughly when the Mass Extinction began... but I'm no history nerd. That's Yaya's job. Point is, this power sphere is named Memobolt. It's one of the lesser-known ones, and we don't have an inkling of what it does just yet. I'll need my equipment back at base for a more thorough examination."

"Maybe it makes sticky notes and highlighters," Gempa joked.

She turned off her devices and turned to Gempa fully, crossing her arms with a raised eyebrow. Gempa breathed in sharply, knowing that was her Game Face.

"Word from the higherups are saying that they're planning on promoting you straight to Captain," she told him. "I overheard the Commander discussing it with the Generals before we came on this expedition. Congratulations, Lance Corporal."

Gempa grimaced, not even bothering to hide his feelings about the news. He'd been suspecting it for a while now, because of all the new tasks and responsibilities Commander KokoCi had been saddling him with. Hearing it from Ying practically spelled his worries out in stone.

"Not the time?" she guessed. "Most people would be over the moon if they got the opportunity. They don't choose just anyone to be a Captain."

"I don't think I'm ready for it," Gempa breathed. "I'm barely old enough to drink."

"Captain Kaizo became a Captain when he was 19," Ying reminded him. The earth elemental's face soured at the mention of the man. "Sometimes I wonder if there's any limit to your web of connections."

"I'd pay good money to avoid that lunatic." Gempa shuddered. "I pity anyone who has had the misfortune to meet him."

Ying shrugged. "I wouldn't know about that. I'm just a mechanic."

Gempa fidgeted with his thumbs. "Yeah, and about the promotion," he stammered. "Did you hear anything about Taufan?"

Ying shook her head. "Nope." She popped the p. "From what I know, they're only considering you."

"Oh." Gempa didn't like the sound of that, but that wasn't unexpected. Taufan wasn't even motivated enough to do his own paperwork.

Being a Captain... that was one of the highest ranks one could achieve, below only Specialists and the Generals themselves. He'd have more authority, more freedom in selecting missions, and resources to work with.

Some part of him expected this. His name and face were broadcasted throughout the entire galaxy since he was young, defeating one major threat after the other alongside Taufan. Even after joining TAPOPS, there were no shortage of admirers clamoring up at his bunk asking for advice or photographs or autographs.

It didn't matter whether if he was a Captain or a Cadet. His main ideal was to protect others, and he'd do it if he was some random guy with a baseball bat. But doing it alone? It would be a cold day in hell before that happens.

"I won't be taking it," he blurted. "Especially if it means leaving TAPOPS and my family behind."

Ying raised her hands. "Hah? People will and have killed to have your position. Is this really something you want to pass up so easily?" She leered closer. "Sunnova is only three days' of travel away from Earth. Just have Lance Corporal Taufan file in a transfer request to the main branch and advocate for him to be in your squadron. There, problem solved!"

"I have family on Earth," he argued. "Taufan wouldn't be the only one who I'll be leaving behind."

"You don't say? I thought you two burst out of some rocks in space like that monkey from Chinese mythology. Those are what the rumors are saying, anyway."

"What do you think I should do, then?"

Ying scoffed at that. "You're asking me?" She tapped her chin, then gave him a condescending smirk. She was a whole two heads shorter than Gempa, but she never failed to make him feel small. "My mom still thinks I'm in a university somewhere in Australia studying to become a doctor. You're better off flipping a coin and hoping for the best."

"Gee, thanks. That's so insightful."

Ying gave him a finger gun and clicked her tongue. "You're welcome for my brilliance."

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