Sunnova & TAPOPS Worldbuilding

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In short: It's info dumpin' time.

Sunnova (SN) is an organization designed for intergalactic security and protection. They are currently one of the largest non-profit companies in the galaxy, competing for the top.

While Sunnova is the main headquarters for their operations, they have several branches that specialize in different sectors. Each branch is managed by an appointed Commander chosen by the Sunnova council.

TAPOPS, for example, is a branch designated to protect and gather power spheres around the galaxy. It's a relatively new area in recent times and is actively expanding and exploring.

Another known base is TEMPUR-A, where they specialize in insurance and protection for discriminated species*. They assist their clients either in financial compensation or provide lodgings in systemic housings on one of their colonized planets.

*see list if your species are entitled for aid!

There are other branches that are vast but not limited to: PR, personal bodyguards, catering for top-security and private events, and professional bounty hunters.

Agents in branches can apply to be transferred to another branch, provided that they have the necessary certifications, letters of recommendations and approval from their current Commander.


There are different positions when it comes to Sunnova and Co,. but here is the general hierarchy.

(Lowest) Cadet > Lance > Lance Corporal > Corporal > Commander* > Captain > Specialist** > General (Highest)

· Cadets: They are the lowest ranks in the organization. They are the most abundant and are often saddled with grunt work or errand boy tasks.

· Lance: A higher rank than cadet. Any cadet from a squadron will be chosen to become a Lance during every evaluation period. They have less field work, but more paperwork in comparison.

· Lance Corporal. The highest a cadet can get without any recommendations or special training from a higher up. They are directly appointed by the Commanders or Captains themselves.

· Corporal. A corporal is directly responsible for an entire squadron by themselves.

· Commander*. They are only applicable in branches from the original organization, and the highest ranks beyond Sunnova itself.

· Captain. There are only a handful of Captains. One Captain can oversee several branches and only reports to Generals, and Specialists only in some occasions.

· Specialists**. They are the wild cards of the organization, where they don't reside in the main base or the branches. They are a separate force that handles niche situations that are too situational or outside of their expertise. If their mission calls for it, they outrank everyone but the Generals.

· The Generals are a council of individuals who are in charge of the entire organization.

· Then we have the Privates. They are not part of the pyramid, as they refer to a widespread departments of mechanics, scientists, researchers, data gathering and more. While they do have a head and leader inside their own circle, they ultimately answer to Corporal and above.

Depending on the branch and its nature, its hierarchy and working style might differ. One squadron typically consists of several cadets, one or two Lance Corporals working alongside each other and one Corporal. There are several squadrons in a branch depending on their workload.

In TAPOPS, a more combat and rescue orientated chain, there are more Lance Corporals than any other branch because of their work. The squadrons itself may consist of lesser individuals as well.

Any rank above Commander is rarely seen in Sunnova's branches. Most of them reside in the main headquarters, but Specialists are located in all corners of the galaxy.

One can be a Specialist along with another rank but Cadet. A Specialist may be given the title of Commander but still retains their Specialist passes and override authority.

Specialists are unique in a sense that while they have less workload, they also have less routine as responsibilities can call at any given time. They aren't bound by majority of the rules and is able to operate off the grid.

The higher the rank you are, the higher the quota you would need to fulfill to keep your position. At the same time, the higher your position, the more freedom you'd have to choose what mission you want to take and which ones you want to ignore. 

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