29 | no clouds in the sky

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Dodging passing cadets and medics, Api kept his head low as he stepped into the makeshift infirmary, fidgeting in place.

They'd closed off a small section for Cahaya per Gempa's request. Everybody knew better than to question the elemental, having experienced one too many galaxy-ending crises in one lifetime that directly involved him. Just a few moments ago, Api had been lying on the cot next to Cahaya's, but they deemed him alright enough to let him get some air.

Now his cot was put and tucked away, leaving only the one still occupied by Cahaya. Their youngest was still out of commission, but thankfully he only looked to be in a peaceful sleep and not a vicious battle against the looming claws of death. Air sat on a stool next to him, arms crossed and eyes fixed on Api.

"What's wrong?" Air kept his voice in a whisper, putting his hands on his lap. "Are you still hurting?"

Api shook his head. Air's disheveled and exhausted form made him think twice of the reason why he was here in the first place. Anything he would've said died instantly on the tip of his tongue, teeth clenching as lead sealed off his throat.

"Are you sure?"

Api nodded quickly. Well, he was fine, but this was a different type of hurting altogether. It was like ripping off a bandage, right? Air did say he could turn to him whenever he needed, but...

He winced visibly when he noticed the massive bloodstain on Air's hoodie. It was browning and oxidized, the torn slit in the fabric charred and matted. The scar underneath had clotted and dried, but it was painfully obvious that the kid hadn't planned on informing anyone anytime soon.

Api must've been staring a little too hard, because Air picked up on the burning question in his mind. "It's fine," he said, gesturing at the wound. He was careful to not jostle it, sweat glistening under the electronic lights. "The medics are busy drafting their reports – and you know how much paperwork is involved when it comes to Taufan."

Oh, Api knew all about it, for all the times Air and Cahaya chucked the guy's paperwork in his face.

"They're medics. We pay them to do their job," Api argued. "And it's not like we're barely scraping by for supplies, either. I'll go get the medic—"

Air's expression darked significantly. "No." He shot up to his feet, hissing when he agitated his wound. "I've had worse injuries and survived with less. There—"

"I'll do it, then!" Api interrupted, glowering when Air's face morphed into one of surprise, then skepticism. "What? I'll have you know I'm CPR-certified, a registered ordained minister, verified on Twitter and Instagram, and I know my way around TAPOPS medical wards better than the average Joe."

Air still looked unconvinced, but his expression did somewhat loosen. Either it was out of trust for his human friend, or he was taken aback by the fact that his friend was potentially paying an $8 monthly subscription towards a poisonous breeding ground that was Twitter. Neither of those options sounded feasible.

"I won't touch the needles or anything that'll pierce skin," Api assured him. "Just- at least let me clean it. If it's not as bad as you said, I'll leave it alone and we won't need to call in a healer. Capiche?"

He clicked his tongue at the end and shot him two finger guns, but if anything it only served to stir more suspicion in the younger's heart. He held his pose for longer than necessary, his grin turning to stone. Only the sound of Cahaya's brainwave monitors—the kid, unlike them, didn't have a heartbeat—beeped sharply in the air.

Air coughed into his fist, turning away. It was then Api noticed the film of sweat clinging to paling skin, darkened veins protruding from his neck.

Api always had a sneaking suspicion that Air didn't trust the authorities all that much, even if they were on their side. He knew it had taken Air a substantial amount of time to allow himself to breathe freely in Api, Daun and Cahaya's presence. His uneasiness never went away with the others, but he wouldn't be the first in their ragtag group to suffer from trust issues. He was nowhere near Daun's level, but it was definitely noticeable in some situations; like this one.

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