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"Yeah, kyle. it's totally true. this way."" cartman leads me to the locker rooms where he said he found a rat,

I stop. "cartman, you better not be lying." he shakes his head grabbing my hand

"No Kyle! I would never lie to you." I raise an eyebrow

"Fine" he drags me to the locker rooms and leads me towards the back of the room

"So, WENDY!!!" He shouts then runs to the door. I turn around confused. Stan is pushed in and the door slams shut. Stan tries to unlock the door but cant.

"Dude. it's locked" he says sliding down the door.

I walk towards him and sit next to him. he sighs and looks at me smiling. he puts his arm around me and gives me a noogie.

"S-stan!" I laugh he let's go.

"You gonna fix that?" He asks pointing to hair.

"It's always a mess anyway. i need it cut."

"NO! Your hairs adorable Kyle! Dot cut it." I blush


"I think were stuck here." I roll my eyes playfully

"No shit Sherlock" Stan shoves me playfully

"At least I'm stuck here with you."

I get up stretching. "the floor hurts my ass." I mumble Stan laughs standing up.


I walk around to see if there's anything in here. to my surprise there is.

"Dude, what's that?" Stan asks "and why is it here?"

There's a plate full of sandwiches, there's massage oil and board games. Cartman!

"Stan has cartman come up to you asking if you'd be gay for me?" Stan shakes his head

"No, but Wendy has."

"Cartman asked if I'd date you if he paid me."

"Did you say yes?" He asks looking a little hurt.

"No! I wouldn't do that to anyone let alone you"

"Remember token and Nicole?" I say "how cartman convinced the whole school we were dating so he could get then together and he did it like this!!" I growl angrily

Stan puts his hand on my arm calming me a little. BUT THAT FAT PIECE OF SHIT IS GOING TO GET IT.

"So why would he try to get us in a relationship?"

I shrug "he shouted wendy before he ran out the room."

"I was talking to Wendy outside of here. she then pushed me in when cartman ran out and they both closed the door"

"Cartman and Wendy working together? That doesn't sound right to me."

"Yeah, why would Wendy try to get me with you? She liked me since forever!"

"I have an idea. what about if we pretend were dating? Then I'll see cartmans reaction then we'll 'break up'"

"Sounds fine"

"But someone will have to follow cartman and Wendy. I'll follow cartman since if anyone sees me it'll look like I just want revenge."

"I'll get went then it'll look like I want her back. you know about the dating in secret thing?"


"Will we have to kiss?" I shrug

"We kissed before. so it shouldn't be awkward. unless I'm suck at kissing that you don't want to kiss your 'boyfriend'" I joke. Stan laughs putting his arm around me.

"Okay then, were 'boyfriends'"


Little devils have a plan against Team candy.

What will happen when people see the fake relationship?

How will the school react?

Will cartman an Wendy think there task is finshed?

Or will they see through the lie?


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now