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"Erica cartman, Wendell testaburger, kenny McCormick and bebe Stevens to the principles office please mkay."

I get up out of my seat and Kyle watches me the entire time. i glare at him and walk out adjusting my 'boobs'.

"So kenny and bebe are the second operations Style crew?" Wendy asks me

"Most likely." I say

We walk into the principles office and sit down. bebe and kenny walk in and bebe sits on the chair arm of Wendy's chair and kenny sits on the chair arm of mine.

"Wendell, Erica meet the second operation style crew, kenny and bebe."

I look at kenny to see him smirking.

"We are supposed to work with them?"

"Yes, but don't put a lot on them. since they are also working on an operation call operation creek."

"This is fun!" Bebe says

"Since when have they worked on operation creek is it?" Wendy asks

"They just started. there plan is to observe them and then see how close there friendship is."

"Creek is Craig and tweek if your wondering." kenny says

"I kinda guessed that" Wendy says tucking a lose strand of hair under her hat.

"So Wendell and Eros explain the plan to kenny and bebe please. I have A meeting with Craig's mother."

She leaves the room and bebe yawns.

"Explain then." she says stretching.

"We're not really trans-ginger."

"Transgender cartman!"

"Yeah whatever. were doing this because we think that tonight Stan may fall in love with Kyle or the other way around."

"That's why there was blue tac on there cards and not in anyone else's." Kenny says

"You noticed?" Wendy asks

"Yeah but I don't think anyone else did."

"Good. now you two were introduced to operation style because Kyle knows were up to something. Stan and Kyle picked up on that something was off straight away and they pretended to date. at the prom tonight keep your eyes on operation style."

Bebe coughs and we look at her "what about our operation? Operation creek is our main priority."

"We need operation style to go well or we fail this grade." I say

"What about us? What do we get for helping?" Bebe crosses her arms over her chest.

"You get... what did principle Victoria say to you guys?"

"That were helping on operation style and we have our own operation"

"Then you'll most likely pass this grade if you help us and it successes."

"First things first, Cupid me! Make yourself visible to bebe and kenny!"

Cupid me smiles and flies over to them sprinkling hearts on both of them.

"AWWW!!! He's so cute!" Bebe says

"Cartman, is that a mini you?" Kenny asks

"Yeah, he's called Cupid me."


"I've been a big help in operation style. I thought it was so cuuute." Cupid me twirls around

"Also, after operation style is over Cupid me, you can go help kenny and bebe with operation creek. so you don't have to go back in that small shoe box."



Next chapter is the prom. so that's good. Operation creek would be the sequel for this book since it's coming to an end soon. but it would just feel like it's been repeated so if you want operation creek I'll make it but if not a lot of people do I won't make it.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now