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I give Kyle a really look. he just responds with puppy eyes.

"Pleeeeasssse?" He begs. I run a hand through my hair in thought. do I want to spend my summer vacation trying to get two people in a relationship?

Not really. but kyles puppy eyes are very convincing...

"We won't even get anything out of it." Kyle shrugs

"I could embarrass fatboy and you could get Wendy away from you." I raise an eyebrow putting my arm around his waist.

"Wendy is very much away from me." I say pulling him onto my lap.

"But think about it." he says turning around in my lap. "it could be fun, they helped us get together and you can tell there's chemistry between them."

"I don't know can I? I was never really good at science." Kyle hits me in the chest playfully

"Dick, I'm serious here!" He says

"So am I! I don't think I passed science." Kyle gives me the eyes again.

"Kyle," I warn but he ignores me. his big emerald green eyes shinning.

"Please..." he begs holding onto my hands.

"Damn, fine." I mumble

"Yahoo!!!" He shouts throwing his arms around my neck and kissing me. "I got my own way! Ha ha ha ha ha!" I flick his forehead playfully


"You love me. and now you can spend your summer vacation on operation candy with me! Yay!"

"Candy? Seriously?"

"It's better then style."

I pull him closer then he already is, leaning my forehead against his.

"Nothing is better then style." {< I AGREE}

Kyle blushes as I peck his lips and move away.

"When do we start?" Kyle asks

"Monday, our dates tomorrow remember?"

"Yeah." I laugh

"You forgot didn't you?"

"I got excited!" I laugh and kyles gets off my lap and sits next to me.

"You need to be punished." Kyle looks at me blushing

"O really?" I nod

"Yeah." I pounce on Kyle and start to tickle him. he bursts out laughing and kicking.

"Stan!" He says "I'm gonna pee if you don't stop!"

"Wow. seriously?" I say and in one swift move he's on top of me.

"How do you always do that?!" He just laughs and kisses me.



Ive just noticed I don't write a lot of kissing in my fanfics... I should change that. first part if the bonus.

What do you think?


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now