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I sigh in frustration folding my arms. how am I supposed to ask Stan questions if he won't stay away from Kyle?! I bet cartmans having the same problem.

"Why don't you just grab him?" Cupid me asks

"Because, no one can actually know about operation style."

"Oh, maybe Eric can distract Kyle and then you lead Stan away?" I think for moment

"That actually might work..."

"What might work?"

"AHHHH!!" I jump turning around to see bebe smiling

"Hey Wendy! We haven't talked in a while!"

"Sorry bebe but I'm very busy."

"Yeah, yeah your secret love affair with cartman would take up a lot of time."

"WHAT?!" A love affair with cartman?!

"Yeah, your always with each other."

"Oh god, Were working together!" Bebe smirks sure you are.

"Oi, Cupid me." I whisper while bebe is fantasising,

"Yes Wendy?" He asks fluttering his eyelashes

"Tell cartman the plan okay?" He nods

He flies over to cartman and whispers in his ear. he locks eyes with me and I nod. he has a plan right?

"WEEEEEEELLLLLLLL, KYLES MUMS A BITCH, SHE BUG FAT BITCH, SHES THE BIGGEST BITCH IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!" Kyle charges at cartman but misses when he ducks and I laugh he runs down the corridor singing while Kyle chases after him.

"Wow, that's weird." bebe says

"STAN!" I shout running towards him and hugging him. he hugs me back and I smile.

"Stan, can I ask you some questions about your relationship with Kyle?"

"Relationship? Oh yeah! Sure ask away!" Wow, he totally forgot about him and kyles plan

"So, how much do you love Kyle?"

"A lot."

"Okay, how Long have you had feelings for him?" A place my hands on my hips. I HAVE AN IDEA!

"Um, since um, sixth grade." {I have no idea how old you are in sixth grade}

"We were dating then."

"I couldn't help it."

"Okay, last question."

Is this some kind of survey?"

"No, yes, maybe, kinda. just answer the question."


"Thanks Stan!" I kiss his cheek running off towards the unisex bathroom.


What's Wendy's idea?

What are Kyle and cartman up too?

Will I update this straight away ?



Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now