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I root through my closet throwing random things out of it and on the floor. Wendy is sitting on my bed confused.

"Cartman, what are you doing?" She asks

"Don't worry about it." I say throwing out my old shark hat and the awesome-o costume. good times, good times.

"Why do you have a cardboard robot?"

"Remember that robot that followed butters around in fourth grade?" She nods

"That was me" she covers her mouth laughing

"You must of been boiling in there!"

"You don't know the half of it." I mutter throwing out my beefcake shirt and chinpokomon. "aha! Found him!" I bring out the old dusty shoe box and blow away the dust.

Wendy steps over all my dust and kneels next to me. I slowly take the lid off to see Cupid me sleeping peacefully.

"Aw! He's so cute!" Wendy says. I look at her confused

"You can see him?" She nods. that's weird.

"Cupid me! Wake up Cupid me!" I shake the box a little and little me springs to life, flying into the air and twirling around.

"Aw," Wendy mumbles looking at him.

"Hey Eric! Were finally talking again! Oh I see you brought a giiiiirl!" Cupid me smiles and flys next to Wendy. he looks at me then her

"Oh my goooood. so cuuuuuute." he says smiling. I shake my head

"I don't need help with my love life Cupid me. it's Stan and kyle." He twirls around making little love hearts fly everywhere. Wendy catches a love heart and awwws

"Kyle! He's the cute Jewish boy you like! You too were sooo cuuuuuute."

"Well this time Cupid me Stan and Kyle have to be together."

"Why?" He asks

"Our school has no gay couples. with te exception of whatever Kyle and cartman had in fourth grade." I cut Wendy off

"I did that for token an Nicole!"

"Sure you did. now anyway, principle Victoria wants us to get them together."

"Oh okay! Hehehehe!"

"So Cupid me, when we talk about them we have to call them Style."

"Style, got it. this is sooo exciting!" He giggles

"Remember what we did to Nicole and token?" He nods. "that's our plan right now."

"So, who's the man in this relationship?" Cupid me asks tilting hi head to the side.

"We, don't know yet." Wendy says and I nod

"It could be stan, since he weighed more and is sporty like a jock, and Kyle weighs less and is nerdy. but Stan's really sensitive, an Kyle is tougher with a more angry antitude." i explain

"But I'm going in the direction as Stan as the 'top' and Kyle 'bottom'. going with the fact that they are the same height but I like the nerdy and jock thing." Wendy explains. Cupid me claps his hands.

"Oh goody!! We better get ready!"


I'm glad you guys are enjoying this. I am.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now