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"Hey Kyle!" I say, he looks at me

"Hmm?" He asks brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Would you ever like, um think of Stan in a more then friendship way?" I ask.

"Um what?" He asks confused. his cheeks tinted a light pink

"Would you ever want to kiss Stan?" I ask

"Cartman. your gay theory isn't true. I'm not gay. I have a girlfriend" Kyle says rolling his eyes

"buuuuut Stan doesn't!"


"How would you like, react if he had a gay crush on you?"

"?!" Kyle looks shocked I asked that. hehe.

"Would you hate him?"

"No. he doesn't. even If he did I wouldn't care. he still my best friend"

"Maybe moooore?"


"What if he jacked off to pics of you?"

"C-CARTMAN!" Kyle says blushing furiously

"What? It's just a question. what if he dreams of making out with you? Has wet dreams that star you"

"Cartman!!! SHUT UP!!!" Kyle shouts covering his ears. his face is as red as his hair.


"No buts. I don't like stan, he doesn't like me. we are just frineds"

I sigh. well here goes nothing "what if I paid you?"

"You aren't serious?!"

"I am!! I'll pay you 20 dollars a date!! 30 if you have to kiss him"

"No!! I wouldn't be payed to date my best friend!!"

"But kaaaaaaaaaaaahl!"

"No" he says turning away from me.


No response





I cross my arms and pout. that's so u faaaair!! Kyles so mean. and Jewish and totally closet gay!!

"Is it cause you're in the closet?" I ask

"Cartman!! I'm not gay. why are you asking anyway? Since when did you care about me and Stan's relationship?"

I shrug "curious"

"Well go be curious somewhere else"


"Go bug Craig and tweek about dating."


"Cartman" Kyle warns

"I'm staying here until you admit your love for Stanley!!"

Kyle covers my mouth with his hand blushing. people are staring and whispering. I lick Kyle hand.

"EW!!" He shouts wiping his hand on my arm.

"Oops. admit it!!"

"There's nothing to admit!!"

I pout walking away

"You'll admit it one day!!"

I stomp back to the unisex bathroom where me and Wendy are meeting. I head inside and lock the door.


I open it. Wendy is there, smiling.


I liked writing this. Kyle and cartman are so adorable!!

Cya later nerdz!

Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now