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"So that's the plan principle victoria." Wendy says sorting out the beanie she's wearing. I massage my sore eyebrows and sigh.

"I'm going to kill Nicole."

"It's a good plan but you let Nicole in on operation style. are you sure she won't tell anyone?"

"Cartman!" Wendy says slapping my hands.

"The bras uncomfortable!" I grumble moving it. "the tissues are scratchy."

Wendy sighs and takes a few tissues from principle Victorias tissue box. she passes them to me.

"Put them in your bra." I groan stuffy the tissues in the bra.

"Wow, you two are taking this seriously." principle Victoria comments.

"Oh yeah, what do we get for doing this?!" I stand up and Wendy sighs fixing the skirt I'm wearing

"You'll pass this grade."

"Seriously?!" We both say looking at her.

She nods "I've noticed since you two started on operation style your grades have been dropping. which means your focusing more on this then your school work. so you can pass this grade if Stan and Kyle are together and happy by the end if the year."


"Right. come on Erica." Wendy says grabbing my arm and pulling me out if the office.

"So I get to decorate?" Cupid me asks

"Yep. I also want you to follow Kyle and see how they act on there own."

"Okay! Thanks Erica!" Cupid me flies away and Wendy laughs

"I still can't get over Erica"

"Sorry WENDELL." she shoves me playfully.

We walk into mr garrisons classroom and all eyes go to us. Nicole winks at us and puts a thumbs up. I walk over to the guys while Wendy goes over to the girls.

"Cartman?!" Kyle says shocked

"Hey kahl."

"Are those boobs real?" Kenny asks

"Guys, I'm trans-ginger"

"It's pronounced transgender fatboy," Kyle says

"Eh! I'm not fat and I'm not a boy! Are you a cis or what gayboy?!" Kyles silent until he starts to laugh crazily. he leans on Stan still laughing. we all look at him confused. {right now I'm just thinking about Annie's laugh from AOT}

"That's the best insult I've ever heard" he says still laughing. I glare at him.

"You cissy!" He still giggling!

"Hey Eric!"


"Oh sorry Erica! Oh hamburgers your pretty" butters says blushing

Kyle starts to laugh again. "Stan! Control your boyfriend!" I say glaring at Kyle

"Butters go away."

"Of course Erica! I'll do anything for you!" He runs of giggling. oh god.

"Kyle, you have a problem." Stan says putting his arm around Kyle.

"S-s-sorry!" He says still giggling

"Wendell!" Wendy looks at me. I walk over to her.

"Butters thinks I'm pretty!" I complain and she laughs


Everyone loves filler chapters.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now