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"It's not real you guys." cartman says

"Yeah it is! Charlie knows that kyles gay!" Kenny says

"Who doesn't?" I glare at cartman.

"Kenny! Were supposed to be working!" Bebe hisses. kenny ignores her.

"I think it's cool." Wendy says. "let me ask something," Stan moves out if the way and Wendy kneels down.

"Charlie, Charlie will you hurt us?"

Yes. Stan hides behind me and I laugh.

"Me next. Charlie, Charlie will I get in patty nelsons pants?" Kenny asks. Wendy shoves him glaring

The pencil moves to no. cartman bursts out laughing.

"Right. I've had enough of this bull. snap the pencils and chuck them out the window. come on kenny." Kenny snaps the pencils and throws them out the window following cartman and leaving.

"Hey Wendy!" She looks at Stan


"Can we ask you something?" I ask

"Sure." She says ripping the paper in half and throwing it in the bin.

"Do you like cartman?" Stan asks putting an arm around my waist.

"Yeah, why?"

"More then friend way." I say leaning against stan.

"Um, why do you ask?" She questions blushing

"Just curious." Stan says

"Well, kinda. he's actually not that bad when you get to know him"

I smile ad stop my self from squealing from cuteness {yes I'm going to do that}

"Would you like to help us?" I ask

"In what way?" She folds her ants over her chest raising an eyebrow

"You helped us, now were going to help you." Stan says smiling

"Would you two stop being so mysterious?!"

"Fine. what if I got cartman to go on a date with you?" I ask hopefully

"UM, no thanks kyle." wendy says blushing and leaving the room. I curse under my breath

"Well we tried." Stan says sitting down on my bed.

I sit down on his lap and face him. I tap his nose. "we didn't try hard enough. we will make this happen."

Stan groans and falls back on my bed pulling me down with him.

I laugh and tickles me. "Stan! Stop!"

"I don't wanna do this." he mumbles cuddling me

"Well too bad. it won't take that long." he kisses me gently

"I hope not."


Aw, I need more style fanfiction in my life. I may write a South Park fanfic of tree different love stories I've never wrote about before.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now