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"It should work. if Stan isn't really gay." I say into the phone.

"Okay. but i know nothing about makeup and shit. and your kinda clueless to."

"I know. but if me and Stan get back together while he's still trying to 'date' Kyle they would break up."

"This plan is stupid." I sigh sitting back on my bed

"I know."

"I think i have a better idea."

"What's your idea?"

"It involves Wendell and Erica."


"What if I went totally girl, like with a wig and everything. and you went totally boy, covering up your hair not wearing pink or purple and stuff. this might not work. but we through a prom to raise mint for trans-ginger people."

"Transgender. Is that all you've got?"


I sigh. "it's better then nothing. what about we put people names into a box and have to pick them out and see who's going with who? And with Stan and Kyles we can put blue tac on them so we know that were picking them out."

"Kewl. what do you think Cupid me?"

"I still like the arrow idea but if I can decorate the ball it would be so cuuuuuute." his voice comes onto the phone and I smile

"But there one problem, we need to let someone in in operation style. someone good with make up and costumes." cartman says. he's most likely butting his thumb in concentration.

"What about one of the girls?"

"Can we trust girls? The whole list thing is still fresh in my mind."

"We can trust Nicole. she's good with costumes and make up. not as good as bebe but"

"She's a back stabbing two faced bitch?"


"Nicole is totally cool about gay people two. when I told her I was with Kyle she was fine and asked if I was okay or if anyone was tormenting me."

"Wow, such a complicated word Eric."

"Shut up!"

"So Nicole it is?"


"But well have to tell principle Victoria about it."

"Yes. well have to tell her our plan. call Nicole over to your place. I'll head there right now to get my make up done."

"Right. wait, how do you know where I live?"

"It won't be the first time i'd be crawling in through your window." I blush.


"Cya." I hang up and call Nicole.

It rings for four times until she's picks up.

"Hey Wendy!"

"Hi Nicole. I'm going to tell you something very important and you can't freak out. okay?"



I would've carried on but I wanna switch to Nicole's pov. so yeah.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now