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"So, I guess you've seen the boys?" Principle Victoria asks still smiling


"Well I think th-" Wendy is cut of by the principles laughter. We both look at her confused and a little scared

"What is wrong with her?" Cupid me asks

She continues to laugh and it's seriously creepy me out. she places a hand over her mouth and Wendy looks at me.

"Um, principle Victoria?" She puts a hand up and continues to laugh and then takes a deep breath.

"They aren't together." she says giggling

"Wait, what?!"

"I knew it!"

"Oh noooo!" Cupid me starts to cry.

"We had cameras in the changing rooms"

"What the fuck?!?!" Principle Victoria shrugs

"I didn't put them there, me garrison did."

"Go figure." Wendy mumbles.

"Anyways, of was watching the boys, I was watching you two aswell. I knew your plan. stan and Kyle are faking it." I sigh in frustration

"God damnit!!"

"So, what do we do now?" Wendy asks

"You watch them. watch them closely. we need to know what there plan is. they aren't really together, so you haven't reached your goal yet" principle Victoria explains

"I think there plan is to throw us off. they must know that were trying to get them together." Wendy explains

I nod "they have this all covered then, they've kissed before so they can do that easily and holding hands is basically nothing, those bastards knew what we were doing. that'll make this all the more challenging."

"I could shot them with an arrow." Cupid me says wiping away a tear,

"It has to be genuine love, no arrows Cupid me." Wendy says

"Cupid what?"


"Well your both free to go" we nod and leave the office.

"So, what now?" Wendy asks

"Interrogation?" Wendy shrugs

"It's better then nothing"

"Let's ask them the same questions and see do there answers are different" I says Wendy nods

"So what should we ask them?" I bite my thumb nail

"I know! I know! How much they love each other, how long have they had feelings for one another and who confessed." Cupid me says smiling

"Right. I've got kyle, you got Stan?" Wendy nods

"I don't know what well achieve by doing this but let's do it!"

We both part ways looking for our targets


Damn, looks like only Eric got fooled. I'm laying on my stomach and my boobs are hurting....

Yeah, :3


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now