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-small timeskip-

"Okay everyone!" Cartman shouts getting everyone's attention.

"It's time to pick out the names! I will pick out one while Erica picks put the other!"

"Hey guys, remember to take the blue tac of Stan and kylllleeeessss." Cupid me says

I shove my hand in the box and pick out a name.



"Kenny and bebe will go together."

I put my hand in again.



"Tweek and Craig will go together!"

Principle Victoria requested that more then one gay couple must go. so thank god for Craig and tweek being picked out. I feel like anyone else would be awkward.



"Red and Kevin will go together!"

"Pick Stan and Kyle out noooowww" Cupid me says giggling



"Stan and Kyle will go together!"

I take the bull tac if my card and place it in my pocket. digging my hand into the box



That was planned. we have to go together









Nicole made us try to pick out her and token together as a thank you. sucess



I think that's it. Oh never mind



"That's all everyone! {I think I missed out some but whatever} pair up with your parents and get to know them for the prom!"

"But first, could we all have a round of applause for Wendell and Erica!" Principle Victoria says walking behind us and putting a hand on mine and cartmans shoulder.

Claps fill the room and soon it does down and everyone leaves with there partner.

"I hope you two know what your doing."

"Well this plan is a long shot." cartman says

"You know how much this prom has cost the school? Operation style better be complete this year. aren't you sick of thinking up plans?"

"Yes we are cause were running out of plans. but in theory one of the two will hopefully fall in love with the other tomorrow night, which will make it easier for us." I explain

"Were betting on Stan. but it would be better if Kyle fell first since Stan is easier to crack. we also have one last plan if this one doesn't work. if the last plan is also a failure, we give up on operation style." cartman explains

The principle nods. "it's okay to give up. I have two others in mind to replace you two since I knew you won't keep up all the good plans forever. but you've both done so much. hell they may suspect you an follow you-"

"Follow us?" Cartman says

Principle Victoria nods "yes Erica. Kyle has been following you and Stan has been following Wendell."

"I knew Stan was following me. when you called me and I was acting funny? That's because he was following me. I gave him false information." Cartman bites his lip

"I may or may not have been talking to Cupid me about operation style." I whack cartman on the back of his head

"Stupid! How could you not sense his presence?!"

"Well sorry it hard to sense a presence when cupid me is chatting on and on about shooting arrows at people!"

"Teeheeheehee sorry."

"Let's not argue Over this." I say

"Well If Kyle suspects something is going on I may have to switch things around a bit and bring out my second pair."

"So were out f operation style?" Cartman asks

"No, you'd still be a huge part of it. But my new group would be the ones who carry out the plans so the suspicion Kyle has will still lie on you two but it will go away."

"Who are the new members anyway?"

"You'll find out tommorow." principle Victoria says "when I call all of you to my office"


Is it bad that when I write this it feels like a spy movie or something like that?

XD I love thinking up plans to surprise you all but I'm running out of ideas. I'll get some but after the next few chapters updates will be slow.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now