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"Come on fatass! I'll pay for your food." he raises an eyebrow

"So your basically asking me on a date kahl?"

"Sure! Just be there!"

"I'm telling Stan." Okay act like you care that he'll tell Stan, 3 2 1

"No!! You can't!! He gets jealous really easily!"

"Would it ruin your relationship?"

"Most likely!"

"Huh, Cupid me would be pissed if I did that. but I'm not going on a date with you kahl."

Puppy eyes time. though it may not work on cartman... "please?"


I widen my big green eyes and tilt my head to the side


I stick out my bottom lip

"... UGH FINE."


"But first tell me how to do that! It's evilly brilliant!!"

I laugh


"Stan! Is Wendy going?" I ask him.

He nods putting his arm around my waist "yup, she'll be there at 6 was it?"

"I said six, I had to use my puppy eyes on him!" Stan laughs

As we walk down the street people smile at us. South Park is weirdly homophobe free. it's great. only one person in the school will make a gay joke. but it's mostly humour and doesn't effect me.

"I didn't have to persuade her." Stan says as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Really?" He nods

"Yeah, when I said it she said yes straight away. I think she thought we would get back together." I roll my eyes

"This is why I don't like Wendy." Stan's grip on me tightens

"No, you don't like her cause were together." I blush


Stan just laughs. "so are we gonna watch there ' date' from a far or-"

"We won't watch it, we will just let it happen."

"I'm gonna get yelled at for not turning up."

"Same. but I thought cartman how to use puppy eyes to his advantage so..." Stan laughs and dips me then kisses me.

"Your so cute."

"I know"


I have an idea for a sequel. so when I've finished the bonus I'll put up the sequel. I'll let you know when it's up.


Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now