Chapter One

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After the retirement of All Might, Endeavor, originally the number two hero, took his place as number one. As for the number two spot, a particular red-winged hero by the name of Hawks claimed it.

Not long after his newfound position as number two, Hawks was requested to infiltrate the League of Villians, a large group of underground villains, go figure. At first, the hero was surprised by the request but later found that despite the risks, it would better society in the long run. This is what brought the red-winged hero to his agreement to act as a double agent.


"It's hard to believe someone who sympathized with our cause and requested to cooperate with us would act so heroic as they did today," Dabi exclaimed, his voice underlined with suspicion.

"I've got to keep up appearances on my end. I'll only get valuable information for you and the League if the public's faith in me as a hero does not diminish," Hawks bit back. He knew his words conflicted with his true beliefs however, "Everything I do, I do for the League, Dabi," he lied.

A twitch in the villain's eye gave away his bitterness towards the winged hero. "Fine," Dabi said curtly. "Just know I still won't let you meet the boss; you seem distrustful, hero," Dabi concluded before exiting the warehouse.

Hawks released a sigh before bringing his hand up to his face in an attempt to relieve himself of stress. "What the fuck did I get myself into," he quietly muttered to himself.


That night in bed Hawks found himself wondering about the black-haired villain. He thought the job of infiltrating the League of Villains would be quicker than what he was currently dealing with. Dabi sure was making things harder for him, he thought to himself. He flipped onto his side to look at, what he thought was, the most beautiful view in all of Musutafu. Perhaps the beautiful view would give him the answer he needed.

"Enjoying the view, hero?" A voice echoed from the shadows of his bedroom.

Hawk's attention quickly turned to a spot in the room where the voice sounded from.

"I can almost see the cities' lights reflection in your eyes," the voice added.

"That definitely doesn't sound creepy," Hawks half-heartedly joked.

"Good, I want you to be scared of me," the voice echoed. By now Hawk's eyes had better adjusted to the dark corner of his bedroom. As he squinted he could almost make out the outline of a tall, lean, dark individual.

"I said creepy, not scary," the red-winged hero corrected.

The voice only hummed in response as if to mock the hero.

"Why don't you come out of that corner, creep," Hawks egged as a mischievous smirk began to form on his lips. "-or are you too scared?"

Without an audible response, the individual appeared out of the shadow with a smirk that proved even more mischievous. "Not scared," the voice mockingly corrected.

In Hawk's realization, he blurted, "Dabi, what the actual fuck are you doing in my bedroom? I get that you're suspicious of me but what the fuck am I going to do in my sleep, huh?"

In response to the dumbfounded outburst from Hawks, Dabi mustered a small huff. "Fuck if I know, pigeon."

Hawk's eyes widen in astonishment. "I'm going to pretend you did not just call me a fuckin' pigeon."

"Pigeon," Dabi provoked.

"Piss off," Hawks replied as he turned his gaze back onto the city's lights appearing through his window wall.

A moment passed before somebody spoke again.

"Why are you here, Dabi?" Hawks questioned, his eyes still focused on the city's lights.

Silence filled the air before the sound of the bed creaking as a weight pushed down on the side parallel to where Hawks was laying, interrupted.

Hawks immediately flipped around half expecting to see Dabi lying there. What he did not expect though, was how damn close Dabi was going to be.

Dabi was resting his weight on his elbow with his other hand lazily resting on the crook of his torso. Their noses were centimeters apart; any sudden movement and they'd be touching.

Pink flushed Hawk's face in embarrassment before he slid himself backward, enough to put some space between the two.

"Hey," Dabi said in a low raspy voice.

"Don't 'hey' me; answer my question," Hawks firmly stood his ground, making sure his embarrassment didn't get the best of him.

"Well," Dabi began, "I have to do 'night watch' in parts of Musutafu; you just happened to live in the area."

"So, why visit me?" Hawks questioned. "I thought you were suspicious of my sudden involvement in the League."

Dabi flipped onto his back, his eyes now staring holes into the ceiling. "Perhaps I wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything in your sleep," Dabi joked.

"Yeah well, I'm not doing anything and would like to continue not doing anything by going to sleep," Hawks bit.

Dabi turned his attention back to the blond whilst still keeping his back to the bed. "By all means, hero, go to sleep."

Hawks scoffed, "Nope, you're going to do something weird to me or some shit-"

"-or would you prefer I go to sleep with you, hero?" Dabi interrupted, mischief lacing his words.

Hawk's cheeks once again adorned a pink color.

"Oh? Is that an answer?" Dabi pried.

Quickly gathering his thoughts Hawks replied, "No, get out of my apartment," before turning back around to see the city's lights that were now starting to lessen in quantity.

A hum could be heard from behind the blond. "Goodnight, pigeon," Dabi said before a weight lifted from the bed.

"G'night, creep," Hawks replied before a heavy weight pulled his view into darkness.

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