Chapter Sixteen

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Hawks and Dabi sat quietly with their arms wrapped around each other. Both males sniffled away the heat burning up their noses as they tried to suppress the water that was beginning to haze their vision.

Neither of them were going to point out how abnormal the situation was. A hero and a villain hugging each other? Never. However, Hawks couldn't care either way and he was sure Dabi felt the same.

Not to mention the sudden change in mood. One second both males were enjoying each other's company and then the next at each other's throats; yet, now, here they are, comforting one another.

Ever so slowly, the dark-haired male withdrew from the warm embrace returning to the position in which he was supported by his arm. His head hung low while dark strands covered the assumingly puffy eyes.

Responding to the movement, Hawks jerked his head to the side and let out a sniffle. As welcoming as the blond was toward this moment, he would rather Dabi not see his true emotions displayed across his face.

Slowly Hawks moved his gaze to side-eye the villain. He could feel the dark-haired male's cool exhales of breath against his skin. Dabi, too, was probably trying to restore his expression before facing the other. So, the hero returned his head forwards and patiently waited.

A scarred hand, belonging to Dabi, was quickly brought up to wipe away the liquid drops that made their way down his cheek. The dark-haired villain let out another heavy, shakey breath and slightly lifted his head to face the hero; his eyes were now more visible between the dark strands that fell in front of his face

To Hawks's surprise, Dabi's face remained completely dry. The residue of tears streaming down his cheek was nonexistent. Was he not crying? Had Hawks completely misread the situation?

As the patter of rain droplets gradually intensified, Hawks's nerves began to tingle into numbness. All the hero could do was stare at the dark-haired male who lay before him.

Dabi must've read Hawks's mind as he moved his head back down and spoke. "I burned my tear ducts."

Hawks's nerves seemed to simmer down from whatever high they were on allowing his limbs to regain feeling. However, this provoked a question: why? Surely it was on accident but, this is the half-burned villain, Dabi, we are talking about; anything is possible.

"And why did you decide to do that?" Hawks attempted to ask confidently.

"I didn't decide. My tear ducts were just one of the things that my quirk destroyed."

"Besides your skin?" Hawks joked followed by a light laugh through his nose.

Dabi remained still while releasing a poorly executed chuckle. After a moment the male lifted his head to face the red-winged hero. Now, Hawks saw what the dark-haired villain swiped away.

A sore, one that appeared to have reopened once before, oozed a dark red substance. Obviously, it was blood. A lighter red trace was smeared across Dabi's skin proving Hawks's theory correct.

"Do you need help with that?" Hawks offered. "I have some medical supplies in the bathroom; I can even sew it up if you would prefer."

Dabi's face morphed into one of disgust. "No." Hawks wasn't going to question why the other male refused his so-very-generous offer however, the hero replied with a nod of his head.

A moment of awkward yet familiar silence fell between the two males.

"Listen" the red-winged hero began clearing his throat, "as much as I enjoyed our bonding session, we should probably part ways." Pursing his lips, Dabi hummed in agreement.

Slowly, Hawks lifted from his position on top of the dark-haired villain being careful not to fall. Dabi slid his legs to hang off the side of the bed and patiently waited to get up. When he did, Hawks couldn't help but notice the villain's odd demeanor.

Suddenly, Dabi paused with his back to the blond. "I don't know how you feel but I don't want to see you burn out of my life like everything and everybody else."

The dark-haired male gave no time for the hero to respond before rushing out of the bedroom door.

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