Chapter Seventeen

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Hawks hadn't seen the dark-haired villain since their bonding session more than a week ago. The blond-haired male began to think he was being ignored but, why would Dabi leave saying such an impactful line?

Nevertheless, it's not like Hawks had much free time to visit the villain due to the amount of hero work that began to pile up after recent events; however, it wasn't like Hawks would know how and where to contact the villain in the first place.

Hitting a stack of papers against the desk as if to align them, Hawks was preparing to wander home. Despite what most individuals believed, hero work didn't consist of just saving and fighting, it also involved keeping his underlings in a straight line; hence all the paperwork.

With a sigh, Hawks leaned back in his chair, tightening his muscles as a form of stretch. "I'm so tired," the blond whined, "and yet, I hardly did any physical work today."

As quickly as he had finished speaking, the land phone sitting on the hero's desk rang. The male didn't miss a beat before greeting whoever was on the other end. "Hello, this is Pro Hero Hawks; how may I assist you?"

A faint breathing could be heard from the other end before a voice finally revealed itself. "P-pigeon-" The male's voice was hurt yet calm indicating a potential emergency. "I-I need you, pigeon."

Pigeon? Pigeon!

"Dabi? What's wrong? Where are you?" the red-winged hero frantically asked. "Why do you need me? Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"N-nothing like that... I'm just-" the low voice halted before beginning again. "I just need you right now."

Hawks was more than confused however, there was no time to waste wondering about what could be and rather what is. "Okay, okay, tell me where you are, Dabi. I need to know where you are to help you."

Silence filled the air causing the blond's nerves to tighten. "Dabi?" 

"I'm down in that alleyway... the one we were in before." 

"I think I know where you are. I'll be there soon; hang on," Hawks assured the villain before hearing a quiet hum and ending the call. 

Within a heartbeat, the hero was out of his chair and grabbing his jacket and keys. He quickly came up with an excuse to tell the several individuals who questioned his hurried exit and was on his way to the dark-haired villain's location.

On the way there, Hawks tried to block out his worried thoughts but it came to no avail. Never before had he placed so much care--not that he didn't care in the first place--in saving a civilian. So, why did he feel so deeply for Dabi? That was something Hawks found himself questioning often. 

Eventually, Hawks landed near the alleyway the villain had previously mentioned and searched the perimeter. Once clearing the area, Hawks carefully made his way into the alleyway. It was night and the surrounding buildings gave no light to the hidden nook. So, as best as he could, the hero felt his way around.

"Dabi?" Hawks voiced worriedly. Someone could have easily mistaken him for a woman. "I'm here now."

From not so far away, a low mumble could be heard. Quickly, the blond rushed over only to see a faint outline of a curled-up Dabi.

"Dabi!" Hawks shouted as he leaned down beside the villain. "What the fuck happened to you?"

Although dark, the male's state was obvious. Blood was pouring from a wound placed upon his upper abdomen whilst numerous cuts could be seen on top of the already damaged skin. Hawks couldn't help but feel guilty. Maybe if he was there sooner, Dabi wouldn't be in such rough shape.

"P-pigeon... please don't leave," Dabi requested weakly. "I think I seriously damaged something this time."

This time?

For now, the blond was too focused on digging out the required supplies from a bag he had grabbed on the way over. Once acquired, he moved the half-burnt shirt away from the oozing wound revealing the seriousness of the situation. "Take a deep breath and hold it. I'm going to apply pressure to slow down the bleeding." 

Dabi took a deep breath the best he could and held it. Hawks quickly placed a gauze over the wound and began to rap his villain's abdomen with bandages. 

"I'm no medic but this should hold for now," the hero assured the villain. "I don't want to risk you being caught out here by the wrong person so please, allow me to treat you at my apartment."

With what strength Dabi had left, he nodded. Hawks stuffed the remaining supplies into his bag and hoisted it over his shoulder. Carefully, the blond picked up the injured male and positioned him so that he would be secure during their flight. Within a second, Hawks throttled himself into the air and began their trip back to the hero's apartment. 

DabiHawks: A Traitor's Love [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now