Chapter Three

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Hawks had only just gotten home from a long day's worth of work. The last thing he expected was to see the black-haired villain, Dabi, sprawled out on the couch in his apartment. His head hung back over the arm of the couch allowing him to meet the hero's gaze upon entering. 

"What are you doing in my apartment, Dabi?" Hawks questioned, attempting to suppress his surprised tone. 

Dabi's face twisted into a cheerful smile before letting out a lighthearted laugh. His dark hair fell further downwards at the small movement leaving his face entirely exposed. 

"I called to see if we could meet regarding your involvement with the League of Villains; you didn't answer," Dabi's tone quickly turned distant. "Naturally, I made myself at home until you arrived."

"I can see that," Hawks replied, glancing around the apartment. Pillows that had been neatly arranged on the couch were now scattered around the room. One look at the kitchen and it was obvious Dabi had rummaged through every cabinet and drawer. However, a particular cabinet caught the blond's attention. 

"Did you go through my cellarette?" Hawks questioned, his gaze fixed on the modern piece of furniture.

"Cellarette? What the fuck is a cellarette?" Dabi questioned with confusion. 

"A place where you store alcohol," Hawk's replied, half impressed at the black-haired villain's range of vocabulary. 

"You heroes and your rich fancy names," Dabi mumbled under his breath. "-but yes I did; might I add you have a horrible taste in liquor, pigeon."

Hawks only rolled his eyes before taking a few steps further into the apartment and shutting the door closed. His back turned to the villain, Hawks spoke. "You can't just steal my alcohol."

Hawks wasn't interested in drinking alcohol. He viewed it as another substance that provoked civilians to do things they would only live to regret. The only reason he had it in the first place was to fill an empty corner in his kitchen.

A low raspy laugh sounded from the villain who was still sprawled out on the couch. "I didn't steal anything," Dabi said, obviously lying; an open bottle of liquor was on top of the coffee table.

Hawks sarcastically hummed in response as if to give away his suspicion. A few moments passed before Hawks turned around and spoke. "I trust you can hold your alcohol, right?" 

Dabi let out another low raspy laugh before replying. "Depends." Despite his answer, Hawks safely assumed the villain could not hold his alcohol.

"Listen, I'm not suited to babysit somebody who is intoxicated. So, you have two options: stay the night on the couch or leave my apartment," Hawks proposed curtly. He had hoped Dabi would choose the former solely because the idea of an intoxicated villain roaming the streets was problematic, both for civilians and himself.

"I still have to report on my meeting with you so unfortunately for me, I won't be spending the night with you," Dabi replied, forming a dramatic frown.

"Thank god," Hawks mumbled under his breath before turning to walk towards his bedroom door. As he walked he could feel a pair of ice-cold eyes following his movement up until he slipped into his room and closed the door. 

 Alone, the blond sighed attempting to rid himself of his stress. He hadn't expected his relationship with the League to bring him to this situation. If anything, it felt like Dabi wasn't acting with the League and more so on his own accord. This may have been a meeting regarding his involvement with the League but would a missed call really cause Dabi to break into Hawks's apartment? Surely they could've set up a different meeting time. Perhaps, this was just how the League operated, Hawks thought.

Preparing for a shower, Hawks gathered clothes to sleep in and headed to the en suite bathroom. His shower was quick and hot, just the way he preferred, causing him to partly forget about the neighboring villain in the other room. 

Once done with his shower he got dressed in his black joggers leaving his chest empty; wearing a shirt in his sleep often caused irritation around the base of his winged companions. 

Upon exiting the bathroom Hawks was greeted with an empty bedroom. The only thing lighting the room was the city's lights. He set his dirty clothes into the hamper set beside his dresser and sat on the edge of his bed. He picked up his phone, made sure to set an alarm on it, and placed it on his nightstand face down. By now, Hawks was prepared to go to bed

Dabi had been alone by himself for some time now and Hawks knew that he would eventually have to check that the other half of his apartment wasn't in complete disarray. 

With a sigh, Hawks rose from his position. Once more, the blond's mind gave away to thoughts pertaining to the situation he was in. Had this really been how the League operated or was Dabi acting on his own accord? Something inside Hawks tugged causing his pulse to fasten. Whatever it was, he still had a mission; he had to infiltrate the League of Villains. With that in mind, Hawks faced the door and opened it.

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