1. Damn Punks

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I sighed... another god damn party....

As I walked in with my brother, i just stayed behind him and let him do the talking. It's not that i don't like parties or anything. They're okay and all, just not every weekend. Especially when I have work the next day, though honestly... That's what everyone else thinks, but the truth is, I put in my notice ages ago and have officially quit. Hence... why I decided to come to the party... this time.

"Hey, franky over here," Brook spoke as my older brother wandered off to meet with the tall, skinny musician. I guess he's not on tour...

"Y/n, you're here! You actually came this time? I thought your job would get in the way!" Nami shouted as she approached me and dragged me off with her to sit with the other girls in the living room.

"Yeah, well about that, I quit, plus franky dragged me out saying I need the excitement." I spoke with a sigh.

Franky knew how un-super the job was going for me. He just wanted me to get out with the girls and have a bit of fun.

"How is he anyway? " Robin commented sweetly, I nodded as I sat down.

"Yeah, he's okay, just been busy at the shop. Apparently, he got a new group of employees that have been a lot to handle." I spoke tiredly, Robin hummed.

"Ye,  I know,it's a shame you don't work at the shop with him anymore. He could really use your help, " she replied, and I just looked down.

"Why did you stop working there?" Koala asked curiously, I looked at her with a sour smile.

"I just... I wanted to try something new, " I said as I looked around to find my brother.

"But now you're not happy, I say go back and work for him again," Nami interfered as she placed a bottle of boos on the table.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat, "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing... but I bet he doesn't even need me now he's got those new guys, " I said quietly.

"I'd say otherwise. The last time I saw he was screaming at them not to touch his stuff, he also said he missed having you deliver him cola," Robin spoke thoughtfully with a smile.

I hummed... being conflicted in what to do... I guessed I'd go talk to my brother about it... the worst he could say is no, it's not like I have to work. Franky is a rich guy with his mechanics business and inventions on the side. He's always told me I didn't have to work if I didn't want to, but it just feels unproductive.

I got up with a smile and began wandering around looking for my big blue haired idiot of a brother. As I did, someone bumped into me, and I tripped...

I went silent... not to curse and say something I'd regret. "Watch it," spoke a deep voice... ME WATCH IT? I thought. I sighed, then a tall blonde masked man walked over and helped me up off the floor, his rough hands pulling me up a lot quicker than I'd expected, I had to regain balance.

I looked up to see who it knocked me over... a big buff red-headed punk... Great. I smiled at the blonde masked man as a thankyou and turned my attention back to the red head.

"I- not to burst your bubble you punk idiot, but you're the one that knocked into me, so you watch it red head" i spoke, the blondes shoulders moved as if he was laughing but no sound came out, "please forgive him, hes not really good at responsibility" the masked me said deeply, I sighed and hummed. "Since you're actually polite.... fine.... have a nice party, big guy, " I replied as I walked away with a smile and a wave. I could see the red heads face begin to become annoyed... and then curious...

"Who is she?" I overheard him asking to the blonde, "i think that's b-s-s s-ster. " That was all I could hear from the masked man. I glanced at him before carrying on with my search for franky.

Then i found him... drunk... already... doing his... weird poses... and his... super... dance... ugh... i sighed as i walked up to him, nervous about asking...

"FRANKY!" I shouted at him. He turned to face me and smiled. "Hey sis, what's going on?" He asked, supping down some cola.

I sighed and hesitated... "i-... well, I was thinking... could I possibly... work at the shop again?" I asked shyly... franky just looked at me... and spat out his drink with a big grin.

"Of course you can sis, honestly its been a mess since those young'ns begun working. I could do with a little helper, " he croaked, i just nodded.

"Okay, great, guess I'll start tomorrow," i cheered, walking away back to the girls. Franky smiled happily and turned away, continuing his dancing with usopp. As i walked back, i saw the redhead guy again along with the blonde masked man, who I believed he was staring at me... but who could tell.

"Y/nnnnnn!" Bonney shouted at me, I looked at her and smiled."Yeah!?!?!" I shouted back.

"So how did it go? Did you get back in??!?!?!" She shouted as she chugged her drink.

"Yeah!!! I start tomorrow!!!" I cheered with a smile walking over to the girls as they cheered for me too.

I guess parties aren't always bad..


I woke up, and the alarm went off playing my favourite song... I forgot to reset my alarm since I'm not going into my old job.

I sighed and got out of bed, slipping on a jacket and slippers. As i opened the door, I could hear chatting from downstairs. Guess Robin is here again... there's defo something between Big Bro and Robin...

I entered the kitchen with a wave, "moring y/n." robin spoke softly, I smiled "morning robin" I replied quietly. Franky was cooking breakfast chatting about his new client at the car shop.

I sat down and leaned back, taking in the morning, "hungover?" Franky asked as he placed a plate of food in front of me.

"No, I hardly drank anything last night, unlike you. I don't find parties as entertaining as you do. They don't really play my kinda music, " I replied with a chuckle, franky laughed, and sat down.

"Yeah, you're into that heavey rock music, huh... those new employees like that stuff, too. So I guess rights to the speakers are yours today, " franky spoke as he sighed and chugged his cola, trying to shift the headache that he's rocking.

"Really? Huh.. who are these guys anyway?" I asked as I ate your breakfast, franky huffed and smiled at Robin. "Some punk with red hair and his friends, his names Eustass kid. He may be a bit of a rebel, but he sure knows cars. Same for his mates killer, heat, and wire. Guess they're in a little gang or something with names like that, " Franky joked.

"They were at the party last night. If I recall, you bumped into Kid on your way to find Franky," Robin spoke thoughtfully... I deadpanned...

For fuck sake...

"THAT GUY?!?! HE!! works at the shop? That ass knocked me over and told ME to watch it... Great.. " I complained poking at my food. What a shitty coincidence..

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