10. Barbecues

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I knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal a raven haired male with a big grin.

"Y/N!!!! FRANKY!!!!" Luffy exclaimed, and he hugged me, and then Franky, I smiled at him as he let us into his house.

"ACE!" I shouted, then another raven haired male came running in with a big grin. "Y/n hey, franky! You guys are early!" He responded happily, giving me a hug and resting his arm on my shoulder.

"We wanted to come help out beforehand," Franky said proud, Ace sighed and nodded.

"Youre always more than welcome, we just thought its been really nice weather recently so why not throw a barbecue" He cheered as we all walked to the back yard seeing sabo and Marco setting up the barbecue, it was a very big barbecue.

"Hey sabo, Marco," I waved to the men, sabo smiled and waved back while Marco nodded too busy concentrating on the construction of the barbecue. "Move Marco, I'll do it," Franky commanded as he walked over and began working on the barbecue.

"Hey y/n," Marco spoke as he wiped off his hands and approached me, a smile across his face. "You've been busy," I said, giving him a hug, "Yeah, that thing is a puzzle to be reckoned with," he chuckled.

"Hey y/n, can you get this call? It's probably for the shop. I'm a bit busy, " Franky said, tossing his phone on the grass with his free hand, "sure".

I picked up the phone, staring at the number, then answering it. "Hello, it's y/n. Frankys, abit busy right now, but I can give him your message," I spoke.

"Y/n.. I just wanted to know when the shop is open. I called in earlier, but it was shut..." replied the voice, I froze... shit...

This can't be happening right now. How can he talk so casual to me. That asshole...

"Yeah, we're busy. Call again later. " I quickly huffed out before hanging up as fast as I could. Everyone noticed my uncomfortable tone, "who was it?" Asked sabo, taking the words from everyone else...


"It was... Hawkins..." I blubbed out with an awkward pout. Everyone stayed quiet. I dont believe anyone was expecting that answer.

"Oh, I see," Franky said quietly, "just... ignore it, I guess, dont let it get to you y/n" Ace said as he patted my head from behind, I looked up at him and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, im fine, just abit awkward, I mean, I haven't seen him since he.. and I.. well, I screamed at him and smashed his car window." I replied nervously.

Ace chuckled. "He deserved it."

"Damn right he did, that two timing bastard," Franky spat out angrily. "Isn't he like a fortune teller? Couldn't he of seen hed get found out, and you two would break up?" Asked Sabo curiously. I sighed, hugging onto aces arms. "He didn't look into mine and his future. He didn't want to spoil it, I guess," I replied quietly, clearly anxious... what if he did...

"Hey, don't worry about it. That was years ago, and now you're doing better than ever. Last I heard, you were dating that killer guy, right?" Ace said happily, I paused...


"You know Nami can't keep her mouth shut," Sabo answered for him. "Right yeah. Nami." She is sure the girl to go to to get any information you want of anyone. I sighed and walked over to the bench sitting down.

"How's it going, though, two weeks or not?" Ace asked as he sat down beside me, I smiled softly at the ground.

"It's going good..."


"That's great, im glad you've managed to pull yourself up and move on. It's been a while since we've seen you smile so genuinely. So it must be going well, " Ace said with a grin.

"ACE!!!!" Luffy screamed as he ran into the garden and jumped at us. Ace just pushed him away, and I laughed at the boys idioticness.

"What is it, luffy?" I asked. He looked around and pouted. "There's no food yet..." he complained as he sat beside me and Ace, which Ace huffed happily, patting the young ravenette on the head.

"Just wait a bit longer luffy the barbecue will be up and running soon," Ace reassured him.

"I hope so," I added.


A lot of people started turning up, and the barbecue was beginning to cook. Robin and Nami were here along with some other people. Of course, Nami went straight for the speaker and began playing some music, and Robin went to talk with Franky... definitely something there...

"Y/n," I heard from the door, I turned around to see Killer standing there, I smiled as I jogged over to him and embraced him. "Hey, wait, where's kid and the others?" I asked curiously. Killer sighed and looked behind him, signalling for me to look, seeing Kid and Heat raiding the beer while Wire stood there just... being Wire. I smiled. "Well, the beer will be gone pretty quick, huh!" I said happily, killer nodded.

"So, did you miss me?" I asked playfully to the man. He sighed as he stroked my hair, "alittle. You know you should come over more often, seeing you at the shop isn't enough for me, " he spoke confidently with a hint of flirting, I hummed as I poked him. "I know," I replied with a soft smile.

"Get a Room!" Barked Shanks already drunk sat at the table with a few others of the elder generation. He thought he was smart with that comment, but killer just tensed clearly pissed off. I've came to the conclusion Killer and Kid and all them lot dont have a good relationship with shanks, turns out the whole reason kid has 1 arm is because he got into a very serious fight with shanks and his gang. I dont blame him for being pissed off, but I just stuck ny tongue out at shanks and squeezed killers hand and he looked at me, I smiled gently, "dont entertain him, just focus on me" I said, killer sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist taking me inside.

"Killer, here," Kid called from the living room couch. So we walked over and sat down. "Whats got you pissed?" Asked Kid quite sincere, unusual for him, but I guess when it comes to killer, it's a different story.

"Nothing, just a drunk bastard with a loud mouth," Killer replied a little calmer, I played with his hair.

"Dont let him get to you. Honestly, I think what he said would be useful. " I spoke playfully to him, and he paused...

Then, I looked at me in silence, I smiled back, knowing I'd distracted him, "Would it not?" I asked curiously, making sure he was focusing on me. Killer sighed.

"You know it would," he replied deeply, his hand stroking my thigh.

"So you two are still going strong, broke a record killer," Kid joked as he chugged down some beer. Heat nodded, agreeing with the red head and Wire just... was being Wire.

"Where's your girlfriend, Kid?" I asked, knowing I'd hit a nerve, Kids eyebrow twitched as he shot me a death glare.

"I dont need one. If I want one, I'll get one, but they're all too weak for me. None of em last longer than a month, " Kid gritted. I just smiled at him. "Yeah, I can understand that. It must be difficult since you're such a loyal guy. You can only get your heart broken so many times before you just go cold." I replied quietly and genuinely. Kid huffed, looking away.

"I don't really have a heart to break y/n," he spoke with a smirk decorating his painted lips, I smiled and chuckled "yeah maybe you're right. But you're still human whether you like it or not."

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