16. Girls Day Out

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I sighed... as I got up and made the empty bed, killer was gone. A small note on the bedside table saying he had some buissness with Kid he had to take care of. I knew what that meant. I bet he left last night after I was asleep. I exited the room and walked to the bathroom, taking a quick shower, which I needed. It was harder said than done. Killer really did a number on me last night. I sighed as I checked my phone, a message from Bonney a few minutes ago asking for my help. I thought... you know what, fine...

I got changed and walked to the kitchen, taking some painkillers and grabbing the spare keys, locking the door as I left. Walking to Bonneys place, which wasn't too far from where Kids was, same neighbourhood. Once i got there, I walked straight in, "Bonney!" I called taking a seat in the living room, and she came in and lunged at me. "Y/n!!!" She said happily, hugging me and dragging me to the kitchen. "Hungry?" She asked, and I hummed. "I am. Do you know where Killer and Kid have gone?" I asked curiously. She thought for a moment and nodded.

"A rival gang managed to get hold of a rare weapon kid had his sights on, he went to claim it," she answered, and I sighed. "Im kinda sad they didn't take me..." I complained as she passed me some food.

"Have they even seen you fight y/n? Knowing them, they probably veiw you like glass. Even if you tell them they're pretty dumb, " she replied jokingly, and I sighed. "Guess you're right," I said quietly.

"Either way, you can help me, so forget them. There's a gang trying to take my territory down by my restraunt. I own a couple of buildings that way. I noticed one of them had been swept. So I set up some cameras, an hour ago I spotted some strange people circling the area. Which I want to eliminate, you can help, " she said cheerfully, I smiled and hummed. "I guess I can."
"The best thing about you dating killer is that you're back to your old self, I missed your company," she replied. I chuckled softly and petted her head, "So did I, though dont tell my brother, he'll kill me. I can't help it. Something about beating people senseless feels good. "

"See, I missed this."

She spoke, grabbing my arm and pulling me with her out the door to the car. "Just me and you like old times. Dont let me down y/n, " she played. I smirked and opened the back, pulling out a gun that I strapped to my side.. I'd only use it for emergencies. Bonney grabbed her gear, then hopped in the drivers seat and me in the passenger one. "Are you even allowed to drive?" I asked the child. She huffed and looked at me. "You kidding? Of course not. But when have I ever listened to the man?"

While we were driving, I connected my earphones and got my playlist ready. "You really haven't changed, getting your music ready to fight. You always had such a cute style of fighting. I dont know it works so well, " bonney said happily, I sighed."It's the only way I know when it comes to this kinda thing. "

Once we arrived, i put one of my earphones in and began to play the music. It got he hyped, ready to go in, and beat some ass. But.. just them my phone rang.

It was killer.

"Hey," I spoke into the phone,
"Where are you? We've just got home, and you're not here. We were supposed to get coffee, " he said deeply, I smiled.
"Oh, sorry, big guy. Im with bonney, There's some assholes stealing from her, so we're gonna beat there ass" I replied.

"Sorry I have to go, I'll call you after," I quickly replied as I put the phone down, bonnie was already opening the door. I quickly ran to the door and pointed my gun inside. It was clear.

"Upstairs," she spoke, entering the room and walking to the back, I followed.

We snook up the stairs and looked around, hearing rustling in the side room. "Shit, that's where I keep my stacks. All my buildings have one cause I can't bank it all without it being suspicious. they're breaking down the wall to get in, " she whispered, irritated. I sighed. "They won't get very far now."

Bonney smirked.

She lunged into the room and began fighting, I jumped in too, music blasting in my ears, I danced around the men as they tried to attack. I twisted around and jumped, drop kicking the man and stomping on him on the floor. One tried to attack me from behind, and I elbowed him in the face, then kicked him in the balls. As he leant over, I grabbed his head and kneed him in the face. Another one grabbed hold of me and shoved me into the wall, which I head butted him staggering him, then kicking him upwards in the jaw.

"Throw the money in the bags they brought. We need to get it out of here, " she said as she stuffed the bags full to the brim. She grinned at me, and I did the same. Once the bags were dull, we slung them in our backs and ran out of the building. Bonnie fixed up her tranq gun and shot the guys guarding the door. We ran to the car and shoved the money on the back seats. Starting the car and driving away, once we got to the main road, we lowered the oace to blend in.

"That was fun. I wanna go back and beat there asses again, " bonney said a little angrily while smiling. I hummed. "But we got what we needed. You can send your boys down to scan the area and get it fixed up." I replied, and she huffed at me. "Hell no, I'll sell that place and get a new one. My covers have been blown there. In fact I'll have to move all my stacks. If they found that one, someone's given them information. All the properties have one. I'll need to reevaluate my strategies." She explained.

For a young girl, she sure is mature. "Where we going now?" I asked. "To my place. I have to hide this and find the rat, " she said.

"Is it okay if you drop me off here? I promised to get coffee with killer, " I asked. She raised a brow at me. "Seriously? Coffee? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You've gone soft, " she said, followed by a bug sigh. "Fine."

The car stopped, and I got out with a smile. "Thanks, Bonney," I said. She hummed. "Call me if you need me."

"I will," she said as she waved and drove off.

Now... how am I gonna explain this...

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