6. Realisation

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Once I got out the car I saw a big house, it was quite nice to say a bunch of big rough men lived in it. The garden was alittle scuffed but it didn't really look bad. The garage that was attached to the side of the house looked like it'd seen better days, but I guessed that they'd spend alot of time in there.

"Come on" spoke Heat as he patted my shoulder, so I walked with them to the door. Kid just sighed unlocking the door and walking in placing the keys on a table to the right of the entrance, he shoved off his jacket throwing it where ever he pleased and switched on the lights. Wire placed his jacket nicely on a hook and walked into the living room to the left and heat followed.

Killer took off his jacket hanging it up and turning to me, watching me as I shut the door behind me, and looked around curiously. Now dont get me wrong this house was quite the mess, but it was a good kinda mess. It was looked after but you could see it was worn out.

I smiled at killer as I walked into the living room seeing large blood red couches and an engine coffee table with a glass topper, the walls decorated with some pretty brutal weapons and some vinyls... you could tell they lived here no doubt, I sat down on the couch which was surprisingly very comfy and squishy.

Kid walked in from what I believed to be the kitchen with a stack of beer, chugging one himself as he slumped into a chair man spread as his arms rested on the back of the couch making it known he was in charge, he placed the beer on the table and everyone helped themselves to it. Heat turned on the weird looking speaker set and placed a cd in the player, some chill music began to play.

Killer sat beside me just like kid did but the only difference was this time a shiver was sent up my spine. He watched me as I stared at him blankly, "whats wrong?" He asked, I looked into his mask holes catching the glint from his eyes from under it. I shook my head and smiled softly. "Nothing just... alot on my mind" I replied quietly, my head was spinning.

I sighed and leaned onto killers shoulder and began playing with his hand, he just watched quietly. The night went on with me waiting for a response from the girls, maybe around... an hour and half? Taking the time to about id say... 01:16 AM. The guys were talking about all sorts of things, bands, weapons, cars, gang activity. But i didn't really pay much mind, I just stayed playing with killers hand which he would sometimes play back, it put a smile on my face atleast...

I yawned once more as I grew tired... not being able to keep playing with killers hand i just held it as I closed my eyes... killer noticed and looked at me then sighed.

"Y/n?" He asked quietly i hummed in response, he shifted alittle which caught my attention so I looked at him... he was just staring at me inches away from my face...

"If you wanna lay down for abit you can go for a nap in my room, ill notify you if you get any calls" he spoke gently, this took me alittle by surprise... but... I really could do with the rest so I nodded and he moved.

He pulled my legs over his which completely took me off guard, he pulled me closer as he placed his hands under my legs and on my back before standing up, carrying me. A blush quickly swept my features as I just froze there speechless... I hesitated... then wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Ill be back in a sec" he spoke to the guys before walking out of the room, going to a set of stairs, stepping up them. I dont think I've ever been this close to killer... I could feel his chest against my body, his chest rise and fall as he breathed. The warmth radiating off of him felt nice. His long blonde hair tangling in my fingers, all of these things giving me a strange feeling... that I haven't felt in a long time... shit...

He walked down the short hall to a room with his name plastered on the door in graffiti. The door opened revealing a... nice room, probably the cleanest room I've seen in a while. The walls painted black and the blackout curtains closed perfectly. Guess he likes dark rooms..

As much as I could hardly see it seemed killer knew exactly where what was. As he carefully placed me down on his bed, a very large comfy bed. He switched on a lamp on the bedside table, revealing a lot more around his room, a wardrobe, draws, more vinyls. And other ordinary things you'd find in a room with the odd car part or the lipstick that was sat on his draws.. but no mirrors.

Killer sighed and waited for me to let go of him, which took a moment.. when I did he silent laughed and I blushed looking away.

"Sorry, just alittle spaced out" I replied turning back to him with a smile. He hummed and patted my head before walking to the door, "killer" I said catching his attention, he looked at me wand waited.

"Thanks.." was all I could spur out, "its fine".

"Oh my phone password is (insert birthday here), you know... just incase there's a message or something..." I shyly spoke, he nodded, "alright then" he said with a hint of entertainment, he shut the door... leaving me alone... in his room...

It felt weird... quite nervous... I've never been to these guys house and here I am in killers bed... I got up and looked around alittle, not touching anything or going through anything. I respect privacy... though I did touch his lipstick.. revealing a nice warm purple colour... I couldn't tell if it was his or someone else's... since he wears a mask...

Though thinking it was... someone else's... gave me a slight ache in my chest...

I sighed and placed it back where I found it and climbed into his bed beneath the covers wrapping myself up, the bed smelled... nice... it just smelled like killer... but it was nice...


A deep feeling crossed my chest as I realised what was going on... I didn't know what to think... its been years since I've felt anything like this... and all that came from it was pain...

I sighed and hugged the blanket that covered me, should I take a risk and own this feeling? Or push it away... there so many possibilities and it scares me...

I closed my eyes and tried to distract myself untill I finally fell to sleep.

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