15. What He Said, Burn In Hell Hawkins

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Its been a few days since Killer had came back with an odd laugh. It hasn't really bothered him much other than when with me, and hed still tried to distance himself from me at first, but I'd never let him. I've noticed its more controlled now. He struggles abit with the mask off but its never been a problem for me, if I got to kiss him I couldnt care if he laughed. Hed beat people unconcious if they'd mess with him over it, or i would... the odd laughing sound is kinda... cute... maybe because its so unique and different... but its something I'm not upset about. And I'd make sure to let him know it didn't bother me any chance I got, to reassure Killer that its okay, he is such a shy guy sometimes when it comes to me.

Its such a coincidence... that someone who hates their laugh would be cursed to do nothing but that...

I watched killer as he worked on the car, a few cute little laughs escaped him as he struggled. Or when he was going to say something a cute little laugh would come out first. Everytime hed make the little noises it was quite adorable for such a big muscular man with no guilt when it comes to murder. I smiled softly at the blonde as he worked on the car. Kid was watching he seemed lightly curious.

"Killer how about you take a break ill do that, go get me something to drink, your girlfriend is useless when it comes to that." Kid spoke as he pushed killer out the way and started working on the car. Killer looked at me then at kid.

"Heat grab the wrench!" kid exclaimed to Heat from the other side of the car, Heat sighed and brought over the wrench.

Killer sighed also and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me little laughs escaped him "are you staying over tonight?" He asked deeply, I looked up and him and poked his mask. "Awhhh you miss me?" I asked playfully, killer huffed "you know you can be a pain sometimes" he replied, "obviously ill stay over killer... im happy youre actually letting me this time, the past few days have been so frustrating since you're trying to get away from me. I swear I'll beat your ass if you keep pushing me away" I spoke playfully angry, he huffed and began to walk away, I just smiled and held his hand as we walked out the garage.

"Lets go get mr. Grumpy something to drink".

He was silent when we walked... it seemed his mind was in another place...


"Kid... go ahead, dont leave big mom unchecked" he spoke as his scythes shined in the dark atmosphere. His eyes not leaving Hawkins for a second.

"I'll... take care of him"


"Killer?" I asked alittle confused as to his quiet slow behaviour, he looked at me snapping out of his thoughts and sighed. "Im here" he spoke as he took my hand in his, his grip was unusually stronger than normal, it made me feel uneasy.. I wanted to know what was going on with him.


"There are only a few left...

...but the important thing is...

...whose lives are in them"


"You can only kill me, by killing your own Captain" he spoke with a smirk laced on his face. One that needs to be sliced off...

"Damn you!" Killer remarked, concern in his words. They stood face to face and yet he felt backed into a corner he needed to figure something out and quick. Damned that voodoo bastard.

"Now do what you gotta do. Dont hold back!" He exclaimed happily, feeling invincible, his whole aura radiated stuck up... and you really dated this guy? Killer was gritting his teeth feeling rage building up.

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