14. The Laugh

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It had been a few weeks since they had gone missing, alot had happened since then... alot of gang drama I didnt give a shit about, id spent all my weeks sitting in my room or taking out my anger with Nami. waiting for a message or a call... but nothing.. until now..


Nami: y/n! I heard kid and killer are on their way home. Just to let u know. .maybe u can stop being so gloomy now 😘


I froze... staring down at the message... a strange feeling washed over me as I read it. My heart rate sped up... and a glimpse of hope in my eyes.

I got out of bed and placed my phone down on my bedside table before getting up and walking to my window peering out of it, it was pretty dark outside. I wanted to run over to their house and wait there for them hoping to catch them before they'd get home but... I... im... speechless right now...

I haven't really said anything since I found out they were gone... Franky tried to distract me with work but if a customer got all big and threatened us id just beat the shit out of them and Franky would have to lock me in the staff room until id calmed down. The rest of the time I spent sat in the chair killer would always sit in... just.. remembering... the first time we'd ever even met and spoke.

Or id be in my room... sat on the floor or layed in bed... Reading our text messages just... hoping he'd message me and tell me everything is fine. I've never felt so... enamoured by anyone... how I want to be his everything just... I've never been so serious with anyone.

So... in love..

Thinking of all the time we've spent together, watching him work on cars, when he'd get forced to go to a party with kid and just end up sat with me as I played with his hair distracting him from the uneasy atmosphere. When we went out for drinks and he ended up slaughtering some guys in a back alley because they tried harassing me... the way he fights.. his body moves so... hypnotising. How his hair flows when he knees someone in the stomach and slices them with his scythes. The way he kills for me... just makes me love him even more...

The time that he got spaghetti stuck in his mask, or how me always has a straw on hand for drinks. Just little things that make me so besotted with him.

I sighed as I got back into bed and tried to sleep, hoping tomorrow will bring the hope it promises.


"Y/n get up, were leaving in an hour" Franky called from outside my door, I sighed...

"Im up" I replied tiredly, getting dressed wearing one of killers tshirts i took a while back. Exiting the room i walked downstairs to the kitchen where franky was sat drinking his cola and eating breakfast.

"I got a call off kid saying they'd be at work today, see i told you there was nothing to worry about" he spoke happily to me, I sat down and gave him a false smile that turned into a frown. He knew it wasn't gonna be as easy to cheer me up. "I still haven't got a message from killer." I said quietly. Franky hummed and passed me some food.

"They've probably had a rough time, im surprised they're even coming into work honestly. Maybe he just forgot." Franky tried to comfort me but something just felt off about all of this. I sighed and picked at the food eating bits of it.

"Dont be so down sis, plus you need to cheer up. Its marcos birthday party tonight." Franky spoke abit happier, I hummed.

"Can we just go to the shop? I wanna get abit of fresh air" I asked all gloomy, Franked sighed and nodded. "Come on then".


Franky drove with the windows cracked down abit letting some fresh air in, he let me control the music to try cheer me up. The breeze was nice...

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