8. The Start

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I heard the front door open, a bunch of sighs and talking as the guys walked into the living room. Seeing me all comfy on the couch napping. I hummed and sat up with a yawn. All the men stood there in awe. The front door shut. The music played in the background... distantly...

"What?" I asked curiously as the men just... slowly moved and sat down, Kid huffed sitting down at the other side of the couch while heat and wire took the other couch. Killer walked in and stood there in silence.

"WHATTTT!!!" I squeaked irritated at the guys' weird attitude. "Why are you wearing Killers t-shirt?" Kid questioned as killer came and sat down between me and kid, he just looked at me...

"Well, I wasn't gonna stay wearing that outfit... Nami gave me, PLUS I slept in it so it felt uncomfortable jeez. If you didn't want me to steal your clothes, dont leave me in your house alone. All my friends know this, " I excused with a pout. Killer sighed and placed his hand on my thigh.... a blush swept my face as panic struck... He's so forward... so last night? He wasn't just drunk and acting off impulse? He truly did kiss me without regret? I didn't know how to feel... I had a feeling he was just drunk and pushed the feelings aside, but this.. what do I do now..

"It's fine," Killer spoke with his deep, sincere tone. Kid just smirked and relaxed into the couch, wiping his face from the blood covering it. Clearly, they got into some... fight...

"I think they won't mess with us anymore," Heat spoke, changing the subject. Wire nodded, and Kid hummed, "i dont think they can where we sent them," he chatted. I could feel Killers grip get a bit stronger, as if he was nervous...

"Did you kill them?" I asked curiously. Killer shifted a little, clearly anxious. Kid laughed and leaned forward, "we annihilated them," he said devilishly. Killer sighed and looked down a little. I hummed and nodded. "I wouldn't expect any less from you guys, to be honest," I spoke thoughtfully, I could feel everyone's surprised stares.

"You're not scared or disgusted?" Heat asked with his sad, cute face, I huffed and lifted my arm, beginning to play with killers' hair. "Heat, who do you think I am? Do you think i don't know about you guys? Its kinda obvious... i mean... look at you. I heard about you guys way before we met. I just didn't recognise you. Plus, I can't say much... you know my brother makes weapons? He literally makes cars with modifications for a lot of gangs. I got involved with gangs that way... even... dated an asshole. That's why I decided to get away, get a normal job... but I kinda... missed the excitement at the garage." I explained to the men, they all took it in. Heat seemed oddly confused, Wire just nodded away, and Kid seemed entertained.

Killers grip calmed a little, I wonder why he was so tense over that, "I expected you to be more than just a coffee girl," Kid admitted as he leaned back in his seat and sighed.

"See killer, nothing to give a fuck about." Kid spoke quietly to his best friend, but i still heard him. Killer hummed as he stroked my leg gently and I played with his hair. I hesitated once again with a deep felling of regret.

"Why what has you so on edge killer?" I asked, killer looked at me then at kid and then to the ceiling. "He was just alittle worried you were going to get all hell bent over him being a killer. But you're  not exactly innocent yourself are you y/n?" Kid coughed up with a smirk.

I smiled and leaned towards killer, gripped his goatee then he looked at me and I poked him, "you... know your name is litterally killer right?" I asked with a smirk, he huffed and took my hand from his goatee pulling me toward him aggressively, my chest hit his as he embraced me. My head resting on his shoulder. A blush once again crossed my face, I could feel all of his chisled features against my body, this guy is like a brick wall. There I go again... stop... I mentally slapped myself. But looking into that mask made me feel so... different.

"Youre getting alittle too comfortable with me y/n" he piped up, a playful tone in his voice I just huffed his comment. And smirked.

I straddled him, "you started it" I reminded him from our conversation last night, he stayed silent for a moment...

I could feel the atmosphere of the room growing odd. Kid was entertained for the most part watching his friend struggle with his emotions. Killer wasn't really the type to date, he's too busy making sure Kid didn't go overboard. Kid was his top priority, not that he hadn't dated before but it never worked for him, so seeing killer get close to someone made kid alittle glad, but also enjoying his suffering.

Heat and wire just seemed really shocked, questioning what could of happened for killer to get so close to a woman. Sure me and killer talked alot, he walked to the stores with me. Took me home when he could. Taught me alot about cars, ect.

But to Heat and Wire it was just a phenomenon for killer to get close to anyone. Nevermind seeing a relationship begin to blossom from his cold stone killer heart.

"You shouldn't" he spoke, I just sighed and nodded, "yeah yeah you've told me, but... I kinda want to" I replied with a soft smile. Killers hands wrapped around me pulling me as close as he could, I just accepted the embrace and played with his hair.

Just then the door burst open.

"WHATS UP GUYS!!!" Nami shouted as she walked in with a big grin, she slumped down on the couch between heat and wire, just then spotting me sat questionably on killer as he hugged me. She choked on air,then her eyes widened as she stared in awe.

"NO WAY" She squeaked, kid sighed aggressively. "What do you want?" He complained to the orange haired woman. She smiled and hummed.

"I came to check on y/n since she was supposed to be at my place last night and hasn't replied to my messages, clearly I can see why she didnt" didnt spoke with a grin, I sighed.

Kid huffed. "How did you even get my address?" He complained. Nami smiled. "Money can buy a lot of things," Kid sighed, turning his attention to the TV, ignoring Nami. "THIS is a development! wait till i tell the girls, not like we didn't expect this but STILL. now, dont cheat on her, or I'll kill you." She paragraphed.

Everyone was completely speechless, Nami was the kind to do that. She sighed as she whipped out her phone, typing aggressively.

"I'll tell the girls not to worry, though you really should do it yourself, where's your phone?" she asked me, I looked at Killer.

"Where's my phone?" I asked him. He gently lifted me off of him and stood up, walking into the kitchen. "Pssst y/n, there's now way. How did you do it?" She whisper shouted, she then paused, looking around seeing Heat, Wire and Kids stares. I just face palmed and sighed.

"Actually, how did you do it y/n?" Kid piped up with an entertained smirk... Great, now I'm being interrogated. "Do what?" I complained, looking at the staring eyes like spot lights.

"Well, honestly, I don't know how to word it, I guess... get him to like you. " Nami spoke. I just stared at her deadpanned. "How would I know it just.. happened. I dont think it's that weird, " I replied honestly. Kid chuckled and nodded.

"It's pretty odd, especially if you two work out that's even weirder," kid added.

Then killer walked back in passing me my phone, "I charged it" he said as he sat down, I smiled at him softly and unlocked it seeing all the misscalls and messages from all the girls. A lot of the messages consisted of worry,,l over dramatic reactions, and threats. "Wow, the girls really aren't a fan of you guys. They think you all kidnapped me," I said jokingly serious. The men just huffed, and I giggled.

I replied to the girls, telling them im fine and I just got locked out of my home since I left my keys in the garage. The majority responded as quick as sound. All so relieved and... curious.

"Oh y/n also... not to like... worry you, but I heard that Hawkins is back in town. " Nami spoke sincere, and I paused... damn...

Guess it's gonna be a draining week.

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