4. out of town

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It was another day at the shop like any other, you've been working there for some time now. It was a nice change of pace, especially with those rowdy men. The music was always good. The food was good, and Killer taught you a little about cars. It was going well for you.

"Y/n get us some god damn drinks," Kid complained as he worked on a car that was brought in this morning. "He means COULD you get us something to drink." Killer corrected calm and smooth as he stared at you. You smiled softly at the man, and Kid huffed.

"Kiss ass" kid quietly spat at the blonde. killer just kicked him and sat down for a bit. You really enjoyed their brotherly banter. It was always enlightening when they argued because it never contained shouting or severe insults, just petty banter. They must be very close.

I took them over some drinks and sat beside killer, he glanced at me gently touching my hand as he took the drinks from me and passed them around. "Hey, killer?" I spoke softly as I watched him. He looked at me.
"What is it?" He asked me, giving me his attention, I sighed and leaned closer, touching his mask. "Why do you.. wear this?" I questioned curiously. Killer stayed silent for a moment and sighed.

"If it's personal, you don't have to -" I tried to say, but Killer cut me off. "No, it's not personal. I just dont like my face or when I laugh." He spoke deeply, I just stared at him blankly.


"I don't think I've heard you laugh" I spoke, kid huffed and sat up, "yeah because he doesn't like how it sounds either Thats all there is to it, so dont bother pestering him over it. If you don't like it fuck off." kid snapped, I just looked at him and didnt say anything.

"Kid she was just asking" killer spoke genuine, kid hummed and carried on working on the car, "sorry" I spoke to killer but he just sighed and placed his hand on my thigh.


"Dont worry about it. it's something kid is sensitive about," he spoke quietly only for my ears. I nodded as a blush spread over my face drastically. How can he place his hand on me so flirtatious yet so casual like it wasn't a big deal... when he realised he removed his hand quickly but calmly, the warmth leaving my thigh. I sighed and stood up, "I'll... go to the store, does anyone want anything?" I asked, looking down like I've been in the sun too long, the blush present and strong. "Get me something spicy," Kid commanded as he worked, "I'll go with you." Killer spoke as he stood up, I just shot him a smile, but inside, I was spinning. "I know what these guys eat so.." he spoke with a sigh as he walked out me following behind him.

As we walked down the street, it took a moment to brew a conversation..

"You and Kid are pretty close," I commented as we walked. Killer chuckled a little silently and hummed. "We've been friends since childhood." He replied as he looked at me, then back towards the pavement. I nodded..

"It's nice that you have that. So I'm guessing he knows what you look like?" I asked but got caught on my words last second.

Killer looked over at me, watching me. "You can talk about it, I told you.. Kid is just pretty sensitive. Yeah, he's seen my face. Heat and Wire have, too, by accident. But seen it none the less. They just don't talk about it, its really not that interesting anyway, " Killer spoke casually, his whole vibe being chilled and comfortable. Like nothing could phase him.

I hummed and looked away, "Sometimes I wish I could wear a mask and hide my face from the world.." I spoke quietly..

"Why would you wanna do that?" He asked me curiously, I looked at him and smiled softly. "Because sometimes I don't... I just... I feel like it would be so much calmer... hide my feelings... and my mind." I said to him with a slight frown, killer just looked at me in silence.


"You're mind?" he spoke with a silent laugh. I just hummed "yeah" I said, pouting at him playfully. "I hate people... looking at me like im so easy, and like im... weak."


After a long day at work, It was finally home time, "alright y/n i won't be home till early monday" Franky spoke as he closed the shutters and ran to get into his truck, "THIS IS GONNA BE SUPER!!!" he shouted as he drove away, I just smiled and waved.

He's off on a weekend trip with Brook to some... weird... concert... good luck, I guess.

"So no work for the whole weekend." Spoke Heat from beside me, I smiled brightly and nodded. "Yep, no work," I hummed.

"Hey, do you wanna join us to luffys party?" Kid shouted from his car, "if it wouldn't be any trouble sure!" I replied, smiling, hopping in the back of the car and getting in the middle seat between Heat and Wire. All the guys were a lot bigger than me, which most people would probably find intimidating, but I find it comforting. Doubt anyone would mess with these guys.

"So how do you guys know, luffy?" I asked, and kid just huffed, "Me and him fought off some pigs a while back, though all he did was get in my way, " kid complained. I giggled a little and nodded.

"Sounds like luffy, him and his brothers always were a handful." I replied entertained, kid turned on the music blasting heavy rock as he drove.

Once we got there, I scrambled over heat to get out of the car, and he just deadpanned. "Sorry, I gotta get to the girls. You know how it is!!! Nami will murder me if I don't hurry up! " I exclaimed happily, blowing a kiss to the car and running into the house. As soon as I opened the door, the music was beaming out. I smiled and ran up the stairs into the bathroom, locking the door and sighing.

So... what did she do with it, I opened the cupboard and saw the clothes Nami left for me, she knew I wouldn't have time to go home and get changed so provided me with some clean clothes... ovb not for free...

I quickly washed my dirty hands and cleaned myself up, then got changed. Exiting the bathroom, I saw Nami stood waiting for me. She must have seen me running in.

"There you areeee, you look great! Come on, we have to goo, let's find you a hot guy -" she tried to say.

"NAMI dontttttt, I'm not interested. I just wanna enjoy the party, " I complained. Nami glared and me and dragged me down the stairs.

"But your big protective brother isn't here to scare anyone off. Come on, this is your chance!" Nami pleaded, I just sighed and shook my head.

"I dont wanna," I replied, pouting. Namis frown turned into a smirk. "Why cause you like that mask guy from your work?" She pestered, I shot her a glare and nudged her.

"Dont you dare!" I replied, half joking half serious. She just nodded "okay okay I won't force you, but you can at least flaunt what you got for once. Dont just sit in the corner and be boring." She spoke as we walked into the living room seeing a lot of faces.

"Where's the girls?" I asked curiously, "Outside come on, " she spoke, holding my hand and pulling me through the crowds, as she did, I spotted them.

Kid, heat, wire, and killer, when they saw me, I could see their faces dropped in surprise... Yeah, Nami really didn't do me justice in this outfit. it's very... flattering... on my body... I just waved and smiled as she dragged me outside, "Y/N!!! LOOK AT YOU!!!" Koala squeaked, and she gave me a hug.

"Hey girls," I said happily as we sat down at one of the tables.

I think this is gonna be a fun night.

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