"As long as you stay with me you will have to follow some rules"
Hahaha, what a joke
"First rule: You won't go anywhere without my permission
Second rule: You will never go to the third floor or the basement without me
Rule Three: I want to know if you want to go homeschooling. I want you to have good to average grades no matter what.
Fourth rule: If you want to go out of the house you must be accompanied by the guards or me
And the fifth rule: When I have guests, unless I tell you, you will not leave your room. Did you understand;"
"I also want to know if you're on any other meds besides the nausea ones"
Wait what? How does he know I'm taking nausea pills?
"I asked you a question"
"I heard"
"Then answer me," he said sternly.Guess what I did.
I completely ignored him.
"Very well. If you don't tell me, you will hand over your cell phone to me. Understood?"
Someone thinks he's the boss.
"Listen to me here, sir. I don't know who you think you are, but I want you to calm down a little bit. Ok? Good"
"First, I don't believe you expect me to follow your rules , right?
Secondly, haven't you received the papers that my doctors have written for me?
They say what medicines I take. And finally, I'm not forced to tell you anything about my health or anything else. I've known you less than a day so don't expect to know everything about me.""I'm also tired and want to sleep. If you would be kind enough to let me go that would be perfect."
We looked at each other for about five minutes without speaking before he got up from his chair and headed for the door.
"Very well. You are free to leave, but I want to talk to you about something else, tomorrow" he said as he opened the door.
I didn't answer him and just shook my head.
I think I pissed him off with all this talk, but that's okay.I like making people mad.
As I left and was walking further into the corridor I realized that I don't know the way to my room. "Damn" I sighed
"You will regret it Elli" I said to myself.
I knocked on his office door and waited for him to answer.Are you saying he's already gone?
Im sure he was here a few minutes ago.I opened the door a little and poked my head to see inside the room.
He was standing in front of a window holding a drink in his hand.I don't like the fact that he's drinking. I don't feel comfortable around people who drink.
"Shades" I said and he quickly turned to me. He scared me but I realized that i scared him too.
"What do you want?"
"I don't know the way to my room"
"Left, right, left" he said quickly "And close the door as you leave" What a dick.________
I didn't sleep at all that night. No matter how tired I was, the nightmares didn't do me any favors.
I looked at my watch to see how much time had passed since I laid down on my bed to 'sleep'.
It was 4:30 a.m.Am I starting to mutate into a vampire?
After much thought I decided I wanted something to eat. Preferably something sweet and cold.
So it's ice cream.
I hope the pig has ice cream in his fridge or I'll have to see if I really am a vampire.
No one will know I did it. There will be no proof that i killed him. Then I'll leave on a makeshift boat and go to Hawaii.
But I'll have to do it at night or I'll get sunburned.
Life as a vampire is hard.
God only knows how the Cullens manage.
That said, I'll have to watch the movies again, they might say something useful.I started laughing hysterically in the middle of the hallway.
I'm losing my mind in here.
I wiped the tears from my eyes that had been caused by my laughter and I kept walking.After much thinking and a couple of breakdowns later, I found the kitchen.
God answered my prayers!!
I started kissing the kitchen floor but quickly realized what I was doing and started wiping my mouth frantically.
For fuck's sake, Elli, pull yourself together.
As soon as I recovered from my hysteria I started looking in the fridge for ice cream.
I've been searching here for fifteen minutes and I haven't found anything. What the hell is going on with this scum of mud and sun I call brother?I finally found it and to my great surprise it was chocolate.
Why? Tell me why?!
I left it on the counter next to me and turned to close the fridge and get a spoon.
Although I don't like the chocolate flavor in the ice cream, that doesn't mean it stops me from eating it.
I was about to eat my first spoonful but suddenly a hand appeared and took the ice cream from my hands.Do you really have to do this to me?
I turned around and saw a man in a black suit looking me up and down in fear.
Sorry mate, I didn't know you were scared of 16 year old girls in blue pajamas with unicorns and hearts on them."Boss, we have a problem in section 5"
Is everyone okay in their minds in here?"I'm sorry sir but you just took my food" I said irritated.
"Don't talk! How did you get in here?" he said and pointed a gun at me.Where did they take me?! In an insane asylum?!
He said something into the earpiece but in a different language this time. I think French or Spanish.
After five minutes, five men in black entered the kitchen with guns pointed at my head.
I froze.
I don't like what was going on here.
"Christ, Mike" said one of them who just came and approached the man who seems to be afraid of me.
"Mike! Are you serious? Do you know who she is?!"
"What do you mean si-"
"What's going on here" said a voice I'm starting to recognize.Shades was standing at the entrance where the men had entered and are still standing with their guns pointed at me.
"Why are you targeting my sister with your weapons? I think I was clear when I told you not to dare disturb her?"
"And you. Food brake? Are you that tired?" If I hadn't been in a room full of men with guns pointed at my head, I would have laughed.
"How much longer are you going to look at me? Get out of my sight" he said in such cold voice that I think a few degrees fell in the room.None of them wasted any time and they all left the kitchen as fast as their legs could walk.
The man I now know as Mike handed me back the ice cream and then followed the others.
I was trying to process what had just happened until a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Why are you awake?" Shades said sternly.Im not in the mood to talk to anyone right now especially him.
I left the ice cream on the counter and tried to walk past him but he stopped me by grabbing my arm."Don't leave your room again unless it's 8am. Understood?" he said and let go of my hand after I first showed him that I understood.
Hiii lovess!!
How are you?
I hope you doing fine:)I will update when this chapter gets at least three votes.
Till next time ;)

His Angel
Fanfiction[ONGOING] Elli Barrow , a teenage girl who lived an ordinary life until her family's death changed everything. She thought she was by her self until a DNA test , reviled to her a brother she never knew was existing. Her so called brother is a rich m...