AN:In this chapter there will be conversations in Italian which I have made from Google translate. If there is a mistake, I apologize on behalf of Google translate ;) Thanks!
Also i want to say thank you to those who vote and read my story. I LOVE YOUUUU
"Elli-!" Oh Jesus Christ. I tried to find a place to hide but in vain. Im gonna be fucking dead if - A giant came into the kitchen and as soon as he saw me I think he started crying.
"Non ci posso credere! Sei davvero tu? Ragazzi!! Cosa diavolo ci fai mettendo così tanto?!"
The tears were gone and replaced with ..panic I should say. i won't lie i was pretty freaked out when i heard lots of footsteps coming towards the kitchen where me and the giant are.
(I can not believe it! Is it really you? Boys!! What the hell is taking so long?!")If I didn't know they were mere mortals, I'd think they were the Flash.
In less than ten seconds there were - along with the giant from before - seven giants in the room. What is happening here?
"Lei è?"
"È così bassa"
"È molto magra. Sta mangiando qualcosa?"
"Penso che l'abbiamo spaventata"
( "She's So Short"
"She's very thin. Is she eating anything?"
"I think we scared her")They stopped talking to each other and all turned to look at me. Is it my idea or is the room suddenly getting smaller?
What worries me most is not that the room suddenly decided to get smaller. It's the fact that I'm in a room full of men twice my size. Then I noticed that my brother is not in the crowd of giants.
"Ragazzi, ho bisogno che vi calmiate un po' perché il piccolino qui sta per svenire..."
(Guys, I need you to calm down a bit because the little one here is about to pass out...")"She doesn't know Italian. Stop the stronzate and introduce yourself." Shades said as he walked into the kitchen.
(Bullshit)"Oh sorry, our mistake. I'm Kai your older cousin. I'm 27" he said with a sweet voice and a smile that could light up a room. He extended his hand for a handshake but I didn't respond. Not to be rude I just gave him a small smile which apparently made him happier if that's possible.
Kai was tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He had nice features and a confidence that everyone would like. Unlike the others Kai from what I can tell had not shaved resulting in a stubby beard.
"Hi! I'm Alex, 26, nice to meet you." he said and winked at me. I won't lie I was glad he didn't extend his hand for a handshake. Alex doesn't look much like Kai. They probably won't be siblings. He is also tall like everyone in this room, he has brown hair and green eyes. He had a relaxed look in his eyes that I like. I think we will do well.
"Hi, I'm Zane, 24, this is my twin brother Colten"
"Hi kid" Colten said.
"Ugh I guess she didn't like the nickname" Colten said to Zane who probably saw the obvious disdain i gave him the moment he called me kid.I said to return the favor.
I looked him up and down - the twins also had brown hair and green eyes - and noticed that he was slightly shorter than his brother.
"Hello to you too shorte" i said in the same tone he spoke to me before.
The smile he had before disappeared from his face in seconds. He was looking at me as if he saw a pig flying.
"If you don't close your mouth, flies will get in" I said in my usual cold voice which apparently shocked the others in the room as well.
Suddenly Colten and Zane started laughing like crazy.
"You and I are going to get along really well," Colten said wiping the tears from his eyes.
From what I understand, Zane is the adult and Colten is the kid."My name is Cairo, 22" he said. His voice was very deep unlike the others. He had softer features that one would not imagine such a person to have such a deep and powerful voice. Cairo, Kai, the twins and my brother were wearing suits. They will probably go to work later.
"The name is Mori your hottest cousin" he said as he bowed playfully.
If I had energy I would start laughing.
Alex who was next to him slapped him in the back of the head causing him to get punched in the arm.This situation is starting to annoy me.
Before I could say anything a voice stopped me.
"Um..Hi the name is Theo , 18," he said a little uncertainly while looking in the direction our two cousins were arguing before. I turned to look and saw that my "cousins" had caught each other headlocked.
"Stop. Now" Shades said. As soon as those words came out of his mouth the boys had stopped.Ok I want to know the trick.
"Hunter, 16" he said as he played something on his cell phone.
Oh, we're the same age.How nice!
Note the sarcasm.I preferred to ignore him because it seems he is not interested in getting to know me. Hunter had dark brown hair and green eyes. Theo had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Hi. My name is Leo. I'm 14." said my last "cousin". Leo, even though he is younger than me, is definitely taller. He has brown hair like everyone else and green eyes.
Now I don't find it difficult to recognize who are brothers and who are cousins.
Obviously Kai, Cairo and Theo are siblings while Alex, Zabe and Colten (twins), Mori, Hunter and Leo are siblings.
Ooh it's going to be a very long day today.
Ok so I have a feeling this chapter confused you all.
So I'll make one that explains them more clearly.
Maybe I'll upload it this afternoon if I've finished it.
I hope you liked it because it took me a long time to write it.
Till next time ;)
Pls don't forget to vote

His Angel
Fanfiction[ONGOING] Elli Barrow , a teenage girl who lived an ordinary life until her family's death changed everything. She thought she was by her self until a DNA test , reviled to her a brother she never knew was existing. Her so called brother is a rich m...