Elli Barrow , a teenage girl who lived an ordinary life until her family's death changed everything.
She thought she was by her self until a DNA test , reviled to her a brother she never knew was existing.
Her so called brother is a rich m...
I woke up to the sun coming through the curtains giving the room a strange but nice lighting.
I turned to look at the bedside table where my phone is. The time was 7 in the morning. Lately I've been waking up early for no particular reason. I would have gone down to the kitchen to eat but the old man who seems to share the same blood with me , had told me not to leave my room unless the time was 8 .
Now that I think about it, he is my half brother as he had told me.
I am bored all day in here in this HUGE palace that I call my humble home. I've been alone all day and I don't know what to do. I miss my books.I'll have to wait for the investigations to finish and then I can tell Shades to send my things from my old house here.
Just as I was about to fall asleep again, an idea came to my mind, making me jump out of bed.
Maybe I can get Mr. Grumpy to let me go into the woods. I started running back and forth in the room not knowing what to do.
What can I say, I get excited easily.
Did I mention I'm also a drama queen? No ?
My excitement and hopes died when I realized what I would have to do to get him to leave me. He's not going to let me go into the woods and if he does I'll have to be watched by the bodyguards. Meaby i can sneak out?
With these thoughts I headed to the bathroom in my room to get ready for another torturous day. Maybe I should make a guide on how to get through a torturous day at your half brother's house.
Yes, this will be fun.
First step: bathe in water so hot that you won't feel your skin for the rest of the morning.
Second step: do a good facial cleansing to get through the day with a low temper and a perfect face.
Step three: -" I was interrupted by a knock on my room door. I wasn't even done with my daily skincare routine when Mrs. Mare entered the room holding my freshly laundered clothes and sheets.
"Miss? " She called out. In response I simply walked out of the bathroom and walked in her direction. " Oh there you are. Good morning Miss" she said in her usual sweet voice and big smile.
I always wondered how such happy and good-natured people could exist.
I thought about it for a moment before I answered her. "Good morning" I simply said to her in a - I would say - indifferent voice that most people don't like.
But Mrs. Mare looks like I gave her all the sweets in the world. I usually don't talk much. First of all I don't like to talk a lot because I waste energy and secondly I don't like to talk to people. With a few exceptions of course.
She smiled at me, arranged my freshly laundered clothes and sheets, informed me that breakfast would be ready shortly, and then walked away, leaving me alone again.
I changed from my pajamas to comfortable clothes because I don't want to get them dirty, I left my room and headed to the kitchen.
This is the outfit ⬇️
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When I arrived I sat on a chair in front of the counter waiting for my breakfast. In the kitchen it was just me and a lady who from what I understand from her clothes should be a cook. She was running errands and didn't realize I was there until she turned to my side.
To say she was scared would be an understatement. She almost had a heart attack.
She quickly recovered from her small - god forbid - shock and hesitantly gave me a small smile. Before I could reciprocate, a male figure entered the kitchen entrance and walked towards the refrigerator.
He wore a dark blue suit with a black shirt and a blue tie. I told myself I wouldn't deal with jerks again and that's exactly what I'm going to do.
I was planning with the bracelets I was wearing on my wrist until I felt someone standing next to me. I raised my head to look him in the eyes. I tried to get all the disdain I feel for him into my gaze and I think I succeeded because his only reaction was to raise his eyebrow.
I will take this as a victory.
"Do you want something?" I tell him. He was looking at my face as if he was looking for something.
I hope he can't see past the walls.
"Once you've eaten, please get ready because we're expecting guests." "Is it from your work?" he hesitated a little "No. I don't meet my clients at home." "Your chick's family?" he looked at me sternly. " I don't have a chick- " " HA I knew you were gay!" I said throwing my hands up in the air. "I'm not gay Elli-" "And who will be waiting then"
I'm an impatient person.
"Our cousins will come" he said pausing between the words our and cousins.
Sorry, I must have misunderstood something, he said cousins??! Hell no!
"wha-" I was interrupted by the bell of the main door. I don't believe what is happening. I turned to look at Shades with a horrified look but he was already starting to walk towards the door having left the coffee he was drinking on the counter.