Part 1 : Love at first sight with a man in full black

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About 'Zumu':
The girl is a school student who is fond of music. She's an introvert but extreme extrovert with her close ones! She loves her family, friends a lot. You can say she is quite good at studies. She is quite, cute, beautiful, silly, innocent, little bit dumb (Which is okay😑). She's happy with her life and her life is so simple but She didn't know that something really special would happen in her life like a miracle!

[At first I would like to say that English is not my 1'st language so if there's any grammatical mistake please don't mind it!😅😊]

Let's the story get started!😊

So, it was a normal day. Zumu was having her lunch as it was her lunch period of school.

Zumu's pov:
I was having my lunch and suddenly some of my friends and classmates came to me with a magazine in their hands. They'd approached to me, then gave me that magazine and asked me that if I know about the boy band in that magazine.

I saw that magazine but I didn't know anything about the boy band and I said to them. Then they'd told me about that boy band that they are Chinese, singers, dancers and so on. So, from my friends, I got to know a little bit about that boy band. There was a group photo of that boy band.

Zumu's pov:I looked at that photo and really in my view, all of them were looking so similar at the very first time

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Zumu's pov:
I looked at that photo and really in my view, all of them were looking so similar at the very first time. But I felt something special from the core of my heart that I've never felt before! After that I'd turned the other page of that magazine and there I saw individual photos of each member of that group. Then I saw 'that' (His) photo......

I felt like my heart has lost/skipped its beating for some seconds then it's started beating so fast than ever before!

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I felt like my heart has lost/skipped its beating for some seconds then it's started beating so fast than ever before!

Zumu in mind:
Who is he!? And why is my heart beating so fast like that!? He's so handsome and I've never seen anyone like him before! Hey!? Stop it Zumu! Why are u thinking like that!? Am I falling for him!? Never! I can't fall for a boy! No I hate boys! They are rude, heartless and bad! No no no.....But then why!?............

My thoughts have got inturuped when my friends called my name.

Mushfica: Hey! Zumu. What happened?
Zumu: Oh! No...yeah! I like them!😅 hehehe
Naima: Are u okay?
Zumu: Yeah.....I am.
Mushfica: So, u have to tell us that u didn't know them, Ms.Popstar!? (Pointing towards BTS)
Zumu: Yes. I've seen them here for the first time. Thank u!😊
Israt: Whatever!
Diya: Hey! What are u guys talking about?
Zumu: About a Chinese boy band, their name is BTS.
Diya: BTS!? They're in magazine!!!! Really!?
Zumu: Di ! U know about them! Why didn't u tell me!?😐
Diya: BTW, Guys! They're not Chinese, they are Korean!
All of us: Korean!? Oh they're Korean! We thought they are Chinese.
Diya: It's even written in here😐
All of us:😅😆
Then the lunch period got over and the class began!
Teacher: Ok students! Your class is over!
Students : Good bye teacher!

After school Zumu's pov:
I headed to my home as the school was already over. I reached home, took a quick bath, ate my food and then studied for some hours and after that I'd taken my phone and searched about that boy band! But I did a mistake! I wrote "VTS" instead of "BTS". So, I couldn't find anything about them. I got confused. Then, my mom called me to eat dinner and I did what she told me to do. After that I'd come back to my room and prepared myself to sleep but guess what!?.... I couldn't sleep well that night!

Zumu's pov:
Why can't I sleep!? Aaah! By the way, that 'blue guy' (Seokjin) was so different from he's....'Handsome!' ... He's the most handsome guy that I've ever seen! (Blushes) Gosh! Why am I thinking about him!? That guy! Wait am I falling for him!? "He somehow makes me feel like I've never felt before and it can't be describe in words!" No!.....what am I even thinking!!? Stop Zumu! I should sleep now but what has happened with my heartbeat? it's been beating so fast as hell since that time I saw him! Aish! But, my friends had said that they're idol, famous! But why couldn't I find them on Google!? Anyway, I'll find it tomorrow!

-End of Zumu's pov-

['Popstar Tahiatul' (The author): Guys! It's my first time writing any ff/ story or any book! So, hope u guys would like it! Please give it some love and support!☺️😊 next part is coming 😉]

['Popstar Tahiatul' (The author): Guys! It's my first time writing any ff/ story or any book! So, hope u guys would like it! Please give it some love and support!☺️😊 next part is coming 😉]

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